Why is SEO More Relevant Than Ever in 2020?

By Logicserve News Desk

  • August 18, 2020,
SEO Importance

As a marketer who is concerned about the digital footprint of your business, you might regularly come across technologies, strategies, and tools that claim to be the next best thing. This often makes it challenging for you to stick to a strategy or decide what is right for your digital growth.

If such modern strategies or tools are unable to deliver results, or at least lasting results, would you be better off with traditional digital strategies like SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?

But is SEO still relevant in 2020? If professional marketers are to be believed, SEO is not only relevant but more important than ever.

Why SEO in 2020?

According to a recent post on SearchEngineLand, 51% of the people who visit B2B and B2C websites are driven by organic search. This means that you are missing out on a significant chunk of traffic by not optimizing your website for the search engines.

Here are some other reasons why SEO is important for business in 2020-

  1. Optimizing Websites of Locally Focused Businesses

If you are running a locally focused business, SEO continues to be the best way for client/customer acquisition. If done correctly, it can help you outrank the local competitors and reach more prospective customers.

Search results on Google are customized as per the geographic location of the user. Your local business website can be optimized in a manner to dominate local search results with the help of SEO.

  1. Search Engines Are the Gateway for Browsing the Internet

Most people find what they are looking for on the internet with the help of search engines. According to a study posted on SearchEngineJournal, 93% of the online experiences begin with a search engine.

Considering this fact, a business could lose a lot of potential clients/customers by not getting listed in the search results. Understanding SEO importance and implementing it correctly is one of the most effective ways not just to get listed on SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) but to land at one of the top spots on the first page.

  1. Implementing a Multi-Channel Marketing Approach

Just like most things related to marketing, you cannot rely on any particular source for bringing in all the traffic. If you are already using other digital channels like social media and paid ads, SEO can be an excellent addition to your marketing strategy.

While SEO is ever-evolving and you have to spend a lot of time and resources to get it right, it has a lot of potential to bring in highly targeted traffic.

Consult a Reputed Digital Marketing Company to Harness the Power of SEO in 2020

While there is no denying that a lot of traditional methods for online marketing are now obsolete, SEO is here to stay for good. The website optimize process, if done correctly, can help you reach potential clients and customers and bring in a lot of organic traffic.

The best way to harness the power of SEO in 2020 is to work with a reputed digital marketing company. Marketing professionals better understand the ins and outs of SEO and have the skills and experience that can help your business reach newer heights in the digital world.

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