Why is Everybody Talking About SEO Cocitation?

By admin

  • March 7, 2013,

If you are like keeping up with the latest digital marketing trends, you must have come across a few theories which state that SEO is dead. No matter how hard you try optimizing your website, you still fail to get a decent position in the SERP. However, in reality, SEO has undergone a great revival. With all being said, one thing that seems to be raising a huge amount of curiosity, is the brand new SEO concept called ‘Cocitation’. While many are still unaware of the concept, very few are able to interpret it the right way.

So, what is Cocitation?

Cocitation is not a primary traffic generation technique, but a method that can greatly intensify your SERP ranking. An example will help you understand it better. Imagine you sell fast food. Now, if you list yourself on directories and websites that talk about health products, search engines will relate your website to those selling health products. So, if someone is searching for ‘health products’, you will probably be listed in the related searches. To put it simple, Cocitation is nothing but placing your backlinks in sensitive positions.

What Should You Be Avoiding?

Falling into a bad company can get you into trouble. We’re are talking about poor quality websites. If you link to one of these websites, Google has a good reason to devalue your website, and that’s truly justified. You obviously cannot be spared if you link your website to a bunch of spammy blog networks. So, make sure you refrain from linking to low-graded websites or those that are in no ways related to yours.

What else to keep in mind?

Here are a few pointers you need to keep in mind in line with cocitation:

Link monitoring: How do you know which websites link to your website? A good quality link monitoring tool can help you out with that. You obviously would not want a low-graded spammy website to link to yours, right?

Competitor analysis: No matter how hard you try, you cannot do away with the competition. Find out who your potential competitors are. Also, determine what your customers expect. Rate every competitor individually and finally come up with a strategy that can help you take that leap into the competition.

Link building: The strategy is effective, but too many links can cause you a headache. As discussed earlier, link only to those websites that are somehow related to yours.

No doubt, SEO concepts do seem to change every minute, but that doesn’t mean its dead. You just need to be a bit more careful and attentive. That’s all Google want’s from you. However, if you know too little about SEO, working out things on your own might seem a bit difficult. So, make sure you seek the assistance of an SEO expert. A slight research online can help you locate a good SEO company in Mumbai.

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