What Difference Has Google Panda Made To modern SEO?

By admin

  • December 21, 2012,

It has been quite a while now since the Google Panda update has been rolled out, but there is still a lot of talking going on regarding the same. Wondering why all this hype about the new Google algorithm? With a few good ranking sites being knocked down instantly, you definitely ought to be a bit concerned.

Now, the question is whether the Panda algorithm has changed or in a way transformed the ‘SEO cycle’. In case you didn’t know, the SEO cycle consists of six major components – Content Production, Keyword Research, Link Placement, Analysis, Measurement of the Result and the Adjustment.

Has Google Panda added up some more or eliminated a few components from the existing SEO cycle? Well, obviously not? ‘Contents with the right keywords’ still remain the part of the game. You can never do away with quality links either, and of course, you ought to measure your results at regular intervals of time. Therefore, in plain terms, the SEO cycle is still the same. Then what is Panda doing here anyways?

Let’s go back a few years and have a look at how some of the top sites were created (Note: ‘Some’ and not ‘All’). Most of these websites were stuffed with irrelevant content or let’s call it mere ‘Blah Blah’. But, the content included a bunch of top searched keywords, and that was exactly what Google was looking for – quality keywords. So, no manner how awful your website was in terms of quality, you still had a way to shoot right at the top.

However, it seems like Google had already decided to put an end to all of this mess, and that’s when the Panda algorithm made its mark. The algorithm works towards differentiating “keyword stuffed websites” from the “ones with natural content” and “those with spammy links” from the ones with “high quality links”. In easy ways, it rightly knows to differentiate between high quality websites and low quality websites.

No matter what a few search engine gurus claim to know about Panda, SEO still remains the same, However, the way you have been doing SEO has surely changed. Now, if you have been strictly following all the SEO rules, you definitely won’t find Panda haunting you in your dreams. In fact, if your website has been somewhere down there, you probably have a good chance to shoot right at the top.

Optimizing a website on your own is not always easy; it will be wise to look out for a professional SEO company to take up the task for you. It is easy to find an SEO company that claims to be the best, but can hardly do any good to your website. Therefore, to locate the right SEO services India, it is important that you make a sufficient amount of research.

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