Weekend Digital Media Round-up: Xad rebranded as GroundTruth, Twitter’s App revamp, WordPress’s content performance tool, Instagram’s Paid Partnership and more…

By Logicserve News Desk

  • June 16, 2017,
logicserve digital logicnews @LogicserveDigi
  1. Location Ad Platform Xad Rebrands As Groundtruth, Expands Beyond Advertising

One of the pioneering location-based mobile ad platforms, xAd, is rebranding as GroundTruth.. As part of the rebrand announcement, xAd touted a location-accuracy study with InfoScout, a consumer-insights research firm that captures in-store consumer purchase data. The company said that InfoScout has verified that its store visits data has “a 90 percent accuracy rate.” (Source: MARTECH TODAY)

  1. Twitter’s Given Their Apps A Major Overhaul – Here’s What’s Been Updated

As you may have already noticed, Twitter has unveiled a fairly significant redesign today, maybe the biggest in the app’s history. And while the majority of the changes are purely aesthetic, there are some interesting side notes and tools to be aware of in the new layout – here’s a complete overview of the differences. (Source: Social Media Today)

  1. Yext Launches App Directory With 26 Partners For Two-Way Data Exchange

Post IPO, Yext is evolving from a business listings management company into an enterprise data platform. Evidence of that comes in the form of the company’s just-announced “App Directory,” featuring 26 launch partners including Hubspot, Zendesk and others. (Source: Search Engine Land)

  1. Facebook Introduces New Al Tools that Recognise Different Languages and Negotiate Deals

Facebook, earlier this week announced a couple of new developments, which is in line with its artificial development; it has added Spanish language support to the ‘M’ artificial assistant tool. The ‘M’ was introduced first in 2015, which at the time was considered to be similar to the Apple’s Siri. (Source: Logicserve Digital)

  1. Why Content Matters (No Matter What Type Of Marketer You Are)

Content marketing has risen to prominence for a slew of very, very good reasons. It’s customer-centric, rather than sell-centric. It’s about you rather than me, and it’s the marketing of attraction rather than interruption. (Source: Marketing Land)

  1. WP Engine launches Content Performance Analytics Tool

Called Content Performance, it is designed to provide greater insights into how well content is doing. Unlike Google Analytics, it measures categories, authors, posts and tags, so that site managers can better determine such things as which posts drive the most traffic and engagement, which topics are most popular or which authors perform the best in terms of user time on page. (Source: MARTECH TODAY)

  1. Ad Viewability – Importance over Impressions and other Interesting Factors

Adsense publishers can make use of above mentioned factors to improve the ad viewability on their sites. Just make a note of one thing. When we talk about first fold of the page that provides more ad viewability, ads placed just above the fold of a page have higher viewability that those at the top of the page. (Source: Logicserve Digital)

  1. Instagram’s Rolling Out New ‘Paid Partnership’ Tags to Provide More Transparency

Back in March, reports indicated that Instagram was testing out a new Partner Tags option to provide more transparency on sponsored content posted to the platform. Now, Instagram is officially launching their new partnership tool, which will provide a new level of clarity on paid posts and influencer relationships.  (Source: Social MediaToday)

  1. Bing Ads Piloting In-Market & Custom Audience Targeting

The in-market audience pilot is running in the US only. In building in-market audience lists, Microsoft considers user purchase intent signals from Bing, MSN and other Microsoft properties. There are currently 14 in-market audiences, with more to come. (Source: Search Engine Land)

  1. Facebook Addresses Audience Network, Mid-Roll Ad Transparency Problem With Publisher Lists

Facebook plans to start providing advertisers with lists of publishers on whose sites, apps, Instant Articles and native Facebook videos their ads may appear, the company announced on Wednesday. The word “may” may stick out in the previous sentence. That’s because Facebook will still not be providing advertisers with lists of where their ads actually appeared. (Source: Marketing Land)



How important are metrics when it comes to campaigns?

India, has over the last decade witnessed a significant jump in the number of digitally wired customers and attempts by marketers to make their brand relevant to this new generation of digital adopters. While the digital media offers marketers & buyers measurable outcomes, over the last couple of years we have witnessed a huge shift towards measurement and in my view instead of an attempt to simplify, we are making it more complex. The big question – in our zest to build complex measurement metrics are we loosing on the core marketing objective – building strong brand recall and delightful consumer connect.

While a unified measurement metrics is important, it should be a means and not an end. It is extremely important to acknowledge that the efficacy of a campaign is also dependent on contextually (Content, Consumer Interest, Profile, language, point of display and location of the user) and strength of communication & creatives. In my view we are still at a very nascent stage, so it’s critical that we focus on exploring the opportunities this medium has to offer to connect with customers and engage with them a multi-fold multi-media manner.

Hemant Jain, Sr.Executive VP – Lokmat Media Pvt. Ltd.


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