Weekend Digital Media Round-up: Google’s Exchange Bidding, Facebook’s updated terms & policies, YouTube’s TrueView for Reach and more..

By Logicserve News Desk

  • April 6, 2018,
logicserve digital logicnews @LogicserveDigi


  1. Google’s Exchange Bidding makes its debut: Here’s what you need to know

Google’s answer to header bidding, an approach to selling online ads that threatened its overhwleming dominance in that business, is becoming widely available now after two years of testing. Before header bidding, Google for nearly a decade built a seemingly unbreachable position in online ad sales that let it cherry-pick the best ad inventory from around the web for resale at a markup. [Source: Ad Age India]

  1. Facebook updates terms and data collection policy to be more ‘clear’

Facebook is updating and changing its terms of service and data policy. This is part of a multi-pronged effort to make the company’s privacy policies and tools more accessible and easier to use. [Source: Marketing Land]

  1. YouTube Lets Advertisers Buy Ads Based on Reach

YouTube has introduced a new way to buy TrueView ads with a model that is optimized for reach. TrueView ads are bumper ads which, despite being YouTube’s shortest ad type, are also skippable. [Source: Search Engine Journal]

  1. Facebook expands A/B ad-testing capabilities & adds reporting features

Facebook is adding new features to its A/B split-testing feature for advertisers and making it available from within the Quick Creation workflow. [Source: MARTECH TODAY]

  1. Third-party Instagram Apps Are Broken as Company Reportedly Limits API Access

Apps developed by third-parties may perform functions such as analyzing followers, finding relevant hashtags, or identifying which users are following back. Third-party apps rely on being able to access data from Instagram’s API (application programming interface). If Instagram cuts off access to that data, then those apps can no longer do what they’ve been designed to. [Source: Search Engine Journal]

  1. Facebook And Instagram Introduce Some Interesting Updates To Their ‘Stories’ Feature

Facebook has been rolling out a slew of new features and graphics support in order to improve the level of engagement and social connect between users of the social media site. Its latest update has made a few changes to the ‘Stickers’ option on Facebook and ‘Stories’ option in Instagram. [Source: Logicserve Digital]

  1. WhatsApp can soon be used for basic banking services

WhatsApp has been consistently rolling out new updates that make it more and more integral to the lives of its 200 million monthly active users in India. After launching its Payments feature and allowing transactions to be made by scanning QR codes, the app will soon let you perform basic banking activities through it. [Source: GQ India]

  1. Facebook’s new Custom Audiences permission tool will require user consent confirmation

Facebook has confirmed that it is developing a tool for advertisers to verify they have gained consent to use email addresses uploaded via Custom Audiences. [Source: MARTECH TODAY]

  1. LinkedIn Rolls Out Native Video Marketing

B2B marketers would welcome the new move from LinkedIn that allows companies to run native video ad campaigns and run video ads on the site. At a time when Facebook is reeling under data breach issues, the new move is sure to bring in a lot of interest and sustained visibility from B2B marketers who are looking for a viable social media channel to tap into leads worldwide. [Source: Logicserve Digital]

  1. Facebook Messenger Now Supports HD Video and 360-degree Photos

With the latest update to Facebook Messenger users can now send and receive HD videos and 360-degree photos. While this is an upgrade from what Messenger was previously capable of handling, the “HD” video it supports only 720p. [Source: Search Engine Journal]

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