Google has been ramping its efforts to tie clicks on ads to store traffic. On Wednesday, the search giant said it has now captured over four billion store visits after users have clicked on an ad, up from one billion a little less than a year ago, and is set to rapidly expand that number. (Source: Search Engine Land)
Analytics firm Absolutdata is evolving from a provider of predictive and evaluative marketing tools to a platform for decision-making. In early 2015, the company released NAVIK Converter, a tool to pinpoint which users of trial subscriptions are most likely to buy — and what kind of offers might lead them there. (Source: MARTECH TODAY)
This engagement is especially relevant for brands to reach out to users on the social media platform. This becomes an avenue where brands can be ‘found’. There is the possibility of selling promoted content space with this tab, in case that is the direction Facebook wants to take. (Source: Logicserve Digital)
Last year, at their annual F8 developer conference, Facebook announced their next big eCommerce play – their Bot platform for Messenger. Bots were heralded as the next big thing, with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg noting the growth of their messaging platforms, and the business opportunities they represent. (Source : Social Media Today)
Today we’re excited to announce a new way to share your location in Messenger. Our new Live Location feature makes it simple and seamless for you to choose to share where you are with your friends and family. This is rolling out globally and is available on both iOS and Android. (Source: Facebook Newsroom)
‘Google it’ is even better than ‘sliced bread’ in today’s digital world. But that only means that Google as a search engine and an optimization activator keeps updating itself to make its search even more accurate for users across the board. But sometimes, some updates don’t really make it to the Hall of Fame lists. (Source: Logicserve Digital)
The company said that Connect offers the same built-from-scratch tech used by its own contact center reps. It’s metered as a service, with no upfront fees, and charges only on a per-minute basis, not counting telephone fees from a telco. (Source: MARTECH TODAY)
Starting in April, campaigns set with monthly budgets will be migrated automatically to “Daily accelerated” budget delivery if you don’t take action ahead of time. Bing will calculate the daily budget by dividing the monthly budget by 30.4 or the minimum allowable daily budget. (Source: Search Engine Land)
Many times when joining a Twitter discussion, getting your point across can be tricky. By including the Twitter handles of others, you can significantly stunt the effectiveness of your messaging. When those handles are added to the response, you lose precious characters that you could respond with. (Source: Marketing Land)
Pinterest has started pursing a segment of advertisers that may one day contribute a quarter of its revenue: small and medium-sized businesses. The company unveiled a new program Wednesday, called Pinterest Propel, that provides special services for new advertisers unfamiliar with the way its site works. (Source: Ad Age India)
Expert Opinion
Q. In the face of fast evolving consumer preferences in insurance, how could digital enable you to be one of the first brands to the consumer’s mind?
The country’s insurance market will have exciting times ahead with great growth in years to come. Hence, with this potential for growth, it becomes imperative that we understand what the customers are looking for. Thanks to the internet, we live in an era of “getting everything quickly and within a few clicks.”

With the internet being recognised as a convenient medium for information research and product purchase, not only the millennials but also the older generations are now embracing the digital revolution. Customers are seeking information on numerous channels using different devices.
Thus, brands now have to ensure that they provide the customers a seamless multi-channel and multi-device user experience. With this transformation of user behaviour, it becomes imperative for brands to cater to their customers’ needs at various stages of their buying life-cycle.
This customer-centric approach will enhance brand recall value and eventually support us in making our brand one of the first ones that will come to their mind while looking for a product within the general insurance segment.