Weekend Digital Media Round-Up: 12 new Google Analytics 4 eCommerce dimensions and metrics, Google’s Switch Access is Now Offered as a Standalone App, Instagram’s Updating its UI & More…

By LS Digital News Desk

  • January 14, 2023,

1.12 new Google Analytics 4 eCommerce dimensions and metrics

Ecommerce advertisers and brands will now be able to view which items were added to cart, purchased, clicked, and more. [Source: Search Engine Land]

2. Google’s Switch Access is Now Being Offered as a Standalone App

Accessibility has been a prime focus for most tech companies because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up making their products easier to use for a wider swathe of consumers. [Source: Digital Information World]

3. Instagram’s Updating its UI, with the Shop Tab to Disappear from the Main App Screen

Instagram’s UI is getting an update, with a few minor tweaks to the app layout, and the placement of function buttons on-screen. [Source: Social Media Today]

4. Google Chrome Team Shares Tips for Optimizing Core Web Vitals

Google is sharing an updated set of recommendations for optimizing Core Web Vitals to help you decide what to prioritize when time is limited. [Source: Search Engine Land]

5. Meta introduces new ad targeting limits for teens

Meta will remove the option for targeting advertising to teen users based on gender. They’ll also end advertisers’ ability to target personalized ads to under-18 users based on their in-app activity, including who they follow on Instagram and what Facebook pages they like. [Source: Search Engine Land]

6. Microsoft’s New AI Advancement Can Clone People’s Voices From Three-Second Audio Clips

The power of AI technology can never be underestimated and this new advancement from Microsoft related to voice cloning is definitely worth a glance. [Source: Digital Information World]

7. Meta Will Now Enable You to Connect Your Heart Rate Monitor to its VR App

Meta’s adding a new heart-rate tracking element to its Quest VR headsets will enable you to sync your heart rate monitor with the app to track your response to various VR experiences. [Source: Social Media Today]

8. Apple Maps relaunches Apple Business Connect

Apple has revamped the Apple Business Connect service, where businesses can update what Apple Maps shows about their business. [Source: Search Engine Land]

9. YouTube Adds New Analytics Updates, with a Focus on Shorts Content

YouTube has announced a range of new analytics and display options in its first Creator Insider update of the year, including new data on subscriber growth, Shorts thumbnails, new subscriber recognition options, and more. [Source: Social Media Today]

10. Twitter’s New Verification System Has Blue & Gold Checkmarks

Twitter is launching a modified version of its verification system, which includes gold checkmarks for businesses and unique labels for official accounts. [Source: Search Engine Land]

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