Weekend Digital Media News Roundup: Facebook Journalism Project, Optimising Crawl Budget, Snapchat’s Target Ads, Expert Opinion and more…

By Logicserve News Desk

  • January 20, 2017,
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Logicserve Digital brings to you a curated round-up of important digital marketing updates this week. For further queries, you can write to us at: newsbulletin@logicserve.com

  1. Facebook Announces New Ways It Will Help Publishers And Journalists

Through technology, programs, new tools, and partnerships, here is what Facebook announced as part of this new initiative called “The Facebook Journalism Project” (Source: Social Media Week)

  1. What is Crawl Budget And How To Optimise It?

If you really want Google to discover your important content and that too quite frequently, you need to optimise the crawl budget of your site. Logically this is possible if you improve the crawl rate limit and crawl demand for your site. (Source: Logicserve Digital)

  1. Google Has Begun Penalizing The Rankings Of Mobile Sites With “Intrusive Interstitials” (Pop-Up Ads Or Email Capture Lightboxes)

Continuing their ongoing push for the “perfect” mobile experience Google announced via the Official Webmasters Blog “two upcoming changes to mobile search results that make finding content easier for users”.  (Source: Smart Insights)

  1. LinkedIn Launches Re-Vamped Desktop Experience

Back in September, LinkedIn gave us a first glimpse of their coming desktop refresh which, as per LinkedIn, will deliver “a world class, elegant and sophisticated user experience”. Can it live up to that billing? (Source: Social Media Today)

  1. Top Marketing Trends Enhancing Customer Expectations in 2017 – Part 1

The 21st-century customers expect companies to know them inside out to cater to their requirements and preferences. Thus, at the present times, businesses are taking all possible measures for exceeding customer experience. (Source: Logicserve Digital)

  1. Snapchat Will Target Ads Based On What People Buy Off Snapchat

If you want to make a lot of money selling digital ads, you need to win over direct-response advertisers, like Google and Facebook have, Twitter is trying to and Snapchat now wants to do as well. (Source: Marketing Land)

  1. 13 Facts About Millennials That Might Surprise You

Marketers have been trying to pin down the idiosyncrasies of the millennial generation for years, but the surprising and at times contradictory behaviors of Millennials make them a tough target. (Social Media Week)

  1. Bing Ads Rolls Out Scheduling For Ad Extensions

Advertisers can now choose when to show certain ad extensions in Bing Ads. Ad extension scheduling is rolling out for nearly all extensions globally. (Source: Search Engine Land)

  1. Doing More With Less Time: The Promise Of Content Automation

I’ve never really been a fan of ‘expert predictions’, especially when it comes to Digital Marketing. They remind me of Mystic Meg caressing glass balls, making some tenuous claims for the sake of entertaining an audience. I don’t think much will change in Digital Marketing in 2017. (Source: Smart Insights)

  1. Google Android Search App Will Keep Trying Your Searches When Your Internet Connection Is Poor

Don’t you hate it when your phone loses its internet connection and you can’t search for something on Google? Well, Google’s latest Android app makes that experience a lot better. (Source: Search Engine Land)

Expert Opinion:

As per the article, on Facebook retatget ads Facebook’s Dynamic Ads can now be used to retarget people who check out a product on any site or app that lets Facebook track its audience, as well as people who like a relevant Facebook Page or interact with a relevant ad on Facebook. It gives them a more direct way to turn that competitor’s customer into their own. Instead of promoting a brand to someone who may have an affinity for another brand or share characteristics with another brand’s customer base, now a marketer can promote a specific product to someone who may have been at some point in the purchase cycle of becoming another brand’s customer.

If brands don’t want their rivals to have the opportunity to advertise to people who browsed a brand’s own site or app, they can opt out of it, but they have to opt out of using Facebook’s Dynamic Ads themselves by removing Facebook’s tracking pixel from the brand’s own site and disabling Facebook’s ability to record app events in their mobile app.

I think Marketers will use the opportunity to retarget the rival’s customers in most of the cases. Probably if a brand has a significantly high market share they will refrain from using the feature. – Sanjay Tripathy, Senior Executive Vice President, Head – Marketing, Analytics, Digital & E-Commerce , HDFC Life


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