Weekend Digital Media News Roundup: Competitor Analysis Tools, Google multiple ad extension, Amazon Prime Campaign, Expert opinion and more

By Logicserve News Desk

  • February 17, 2017,
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Logicserve Digital brings to you a curated round-up of important digital marketing updates this week. For further queries, you can write to us at: newsbulletin@logicserve.com

  1. Amazon Prime Video Rolls Out New Campaign, Calls Itself ‘India Ka Naya Primetime’

Amazon Prime Video has launched their new campaign, India Ka Naya Primetime. Conceptualized by Leo Burnett India, the campaign features two videos. (Source:  Adage India)

  1. Improving the social shopping experience: Facebook Shoppable Feed ads

Facebook recently started testing product ads that let retailers showcase multi-product imagery within the news feed. Contributor Laura Collins takes a look at the format and explains why it’s time for your brand to hop on board. (Source: Marketing Land)

  1. Google is showing multiple ad extension types in a single swipeable carousel

Google has been using swipeable cards in mobile text ads to display sitelinks extensions and price extensions. Now, it appears to be testing a version that combines multiple ad extension types into one swipeable card carousel. (Source: Search Engine Land)

  1. Are long tail keywords still important for PPC in 2017? A data-backed answer

This article is going to analyze data from case studies conducted by Clicteq and PPC Hero that suggests that long tail keywords are now almost obsolete when it comes to AdWords. (Source: Econsultancy)

  1. From viewable to verified: Here comes the next phase of audience-based buying

Viewability has become the standard within the display advertising industry, so what’s next? Contributor Erik Matlick discusses how audience verification will change the display landscape. (Source: Martech Today)

  1. Attribution Model Comparison tools – Features and How to Use

Model Comparison Tool is an instrument that runs on a set of rules helping define the impact of the selected attribution towards the assessment of marketing channels. This tool is efficient in comparing three attribution models simultaneously. (Source: Logicserve Digital)

  1. 20 Competitor Analysis Tools, Tips, and Guides to Up Your Game

From Competitor’s website to email to PPC and SEO, these guides and tools will show you how to create a strategy, monitor sources to collect information, and analyze only what you need. (Source: Social Media Today)

  1. Is data killing off the art of the marketing prediction?

Successful businesses no longer rely on guesswork. The days of the HiPPO (highest paid person’s opinion) are over. There are so many great examples of how data is delivering efficiency, across all sectors and industries, that it is no wonder our thirst for its use is growing. (Source: Marketing Tech News)

  1. Three things marketers must do to keep CX real

Marketers can be powerful advocates for the customer experience. But as contributor Brent Sleeper explains, we’ve got to give a little to get a little. Here are three ways to ground the ideal of CX in reality. (Source: Marketing Land)

  1. 5 Books Every Content Marketer Must Read

With social media advancing, we find new techniques and ideas being implemented. Right from a fresher to the top notch Chief Content Officer, every kind of content marketer has something in store for them in these books. (Source: Logicserve Digital)

Expert Opinion

  1. Share of voice vs. Share of experience: Which model is better?

“Today consumers don’t buy products, they buy experiences. Look at Amazon, Uber, Starbucks. Experience is the product. Experience is the brand. Experience drives growth – both for brand and business. As exponential technology trends such as IoT, AI and VR/AR kick off a new era of ‘data-driven creativity’, we, as marketers, are now in the business of selling experiences. This, in turn, should see organisations rapidly innovating and disrupting themselves. It is time for brands to stop buying impressions and start creating impressions, and therefore it in necessary to shift from SOV (share of voice) to SOE (share of experience) that is more holistic in nature.”

– Avinash Jhangiani, Chief Innovation Officer, Omnicom Media Group.

You can follow him on Twitter or connect with him on LinkedIn.


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