Voice Clip Now Available In Facebook Status Update

By Logicserve News Desk

  • March 8, 2018,

Facebook takes cognisance that a voice clip is easier to create than a video, yet it is more intimate than mere text for a Facebook user. This underlying principle is driving the social media giant to introduce voice clips as a part of its status update feature present on the Facebook page.

While users will view this as a radical new move, the update was bound to happen, considering that a whopping 60.5 million Americans currently use digital assistants. Facebook is not one to be left behind with all the hype generated by voice technology. Hence, this move doesn’t seem very surprising from a purely business perspective.

The current ways of updating status include text, images and video. With voice too coming in, it will be a nifty addition to the number of ways a user can connect with the world and convey what he/ she is currently feeling.

What does voice clip in Facebook look like?

If you are using Facebook on mobile, you will see a lot of menu options when you start adding a new post. You will also see a ‘add new voice clip’ menu item below the ‘photo/video’ option. This way, you can add voice to your posts. When you record a clip and post it, you see a unique graphical representation of the clip on the feed. It is in a waveform with the user’s profile picture in the centre. By clicking on the picture (which is also a ‘play’ button), the listener can hear the clip. They can also like or comment on the clip (just like they can do for any Facebook post).

Why the need for this update?

As we mentioned earlier, the pull of voice technology is definitely making an impact across different sectors. From digital assistants to chatbots, there are various ways in which voice tech is combined with other proprietary technologies like AI to create an effective customer service and communication ecosystem. By next year, the voice recognition market is expected to grow to be a $601 million dollar industry. No wonder that this move looks to be timed very well by Facebook.

Another reason why this can be a good feature is because of the diversity of languages in a nation like India. While mobile keyboards do help with English and Hindi, when it comes to vernacular languages, the performance and quickness of the mobile keyboards leave a lot to be desired. This is why voice is expected to take off in a big way in India (which is already one of the key markets for Facebook).

Another interesting reason is that Facebook is looking to make a mark in the voice tech market. They are already working on AI-powered speakers, Fiona and Aloha, which are expected to have a worldwide launch by July this year. Adding voice integration in the social media page seems like a natural progression for the company looking to capitalise on the phenomenal potential of voice technology.

Let us know what your experience with voice clip in Facebook posts was like. Do share your views in the comments below.

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