Using LinkedIn to promote your brand effectively

By admin

  • September 10, 2013,

Using LinkedIn to promote

LinkedIn is actually among the top social networks. Even if it doesn’t have the largest number of users, like Facebook, unlike Facebook, LinkedIn is for professional people who prefer to relate to and interact with similar professionals.

Though not quite popular as other social media networking sites, LinkedIn is relied upon to promote brands and business. Consequently, any promotion on LinkedIn will give you more advantage than that on Facebook or Twitter. If you are wondering how and where to begin with promoting your brand on LinkedIn then this post offers valuable guidelines for the same. So where do you start?

Creating your Company page on LinkedIn

In LinkedIn you can make a company page which could be used to introduce your company and its vision, mission along with the services on offer. It can be divided into three sections viz. the first section contains the company’s profile where information relating to the business, employees and the brand is offered.  The second section could provide details about the products, services or information which could be useful to your audiences or contacts. Finally, the third section involves asking for customers for endorsing your products or services which when published and referred to go a long way in generating the trust of prospective customers and encourage them to conduct business with you.

Expanding your follower base with engaging content

After you have setup your LinkedIn page, your next step would be to create a follower base. This is the toughest part, and usually takes some time before you reach a threshold when the number increases on its own. You have to engage your followers with the content you share. Share informative and interesting stuff related to your business. Communicate with followers; be responsive to what they ask for. The objective would be to direct the audience from a healthy conversation towards an actual sale. Everyone wants to feel that they are talking with a brand in some way. Doing so will ensure that people become familiar with your brand.

Create an active LinkedIn group

After the company page, your next step should be to create an active LinkedIn group. You can either create a group (which would take a long time to have enough members to create any impact) or you can join groups which have members closely related to your business. Here you can share and can also find important and useful content. Your reach can increase by manifolds if you manage to find the correct group.

LinkedIn is a very important social media platform especially if you wish to increase your B2B relations. So, if your services are more directed towards the B2B approach, then LinkedIn should be at the top of the list of the social media platforms which you should concentrate on.

LinkedIn has a large population of people who enjoy decision taking authority within their organisation and conducting business. If you are able to reach them, then your chances of expanding your business increases manifold. Hence, use LinkedIn effectively to promote your brand.


LinkedIn is a resourceful social space for interacting and gaining insightful knowledge on your business. However, one can make maximum impact with LinkedIn only if you are aware of your communication strategy and the message to share. Avoid using LinkedIn as trial and error platform.

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