Upgrade Your Content Marketing Strategy with Content Experience

By Logicserve News Desk

  • January 29, 2021,
content experience

‘Content is king’ is a phrase that every digital marketer and brand manager might have read umpteen times. But do you know that this phrase was introduced by Bill Gates?

In 1996, the Founder of Microsoft wrote an essay titled ‘Content is King’ where he talked about the internet being the future marketplace for content. It has been more than two decades since then, and we can all agree that this prophecy turned out true in every way possible. 

Content is now at the heart of each of our digital marketing initiative. But while content probably will always be the king, it also goes through innovations and upgrades like all the other aspects of the digital landscape.

‘Content experience’ is the new buzzword in the content marketing industry. What is content experience? How can it boost your content strategy? Have a look-

What is Content Experience?

Modern consumers now live in a digital world that is ruled by the likes of Netflix and Spotify. These digital platforms take pride in their ability to provide personalized content experiences to their users. Once consumers get the taste of this personalization, they then expect the same from every platform or brand they deal with. In a nutshell, this is what content experience is all about. 

It is the process of contextualizing and personalizing your content to better match the wants, needs, likes, and dislikes of the audience. No matter how a particular individual experiences or engages with your brand, there should be a level of uniformity and personalization.

From website content, social media posts, newsletters, videos to even packaging instructions, every possible way in which any kind of content is consumed should be part of the overall content experience.

How Does Content Experience Help?

Here are some of the ways in which content experience can boost your content strategy-

  • Improved SEO Reach

Over the years, Google has upgraded its search algorithm in a way that it can now provide accurate answers to actual conversational user queries and not only technical keywords. Furthermore, increased usage of voice assistance has significantly contributed to this progress. With content experience, your brand could have a voice that is relatable to your target audience.

In other words, your content would be able to answer conversational queries of the audience, ultimately resulting in higher search engine rankings. Improved SEO reach and higher search engine ranking can also convert into more website traffic and sales.

  • Better Brand Authority

Gone are the days when basic product demos were adequate to encourage people to buy your products or services. B2C and B2B consumers now prefer purchasing products that have plenty of information available about them on the internet. For instance, according to a report on Inc.com, 91% of the people regularly or occasionally read online reviews.

If someone wanting to purchase your product or service is unable to find your reviews on the internet, it is very much possible that you might end up losing the customer to a competitor who does. In other words, content experience helps your brand build authority and have valuable information available on the internet, which is now vital for the consumers.

  • Improved ROI

Last but not least, content experience can also make a world of difference to your bottom line. According to an E-Consultancy report, 80% of the companies that implemented personalization reported improved sales volume.

Another research by Clickz suggests that companies that use advanced personalization report returns of up to $20 for every $1 they spend. These stats clearly emphasize the vital role that content experience can have on your bottom line. If done correctly, this content marketing strategy can significantly boost your business growth.

Content Experience- The New Way to Market Content Online

Modern consumers want to be informed, entertained, and engaged. In simple words, they now look for an experience that can make their purchase journey rewarding and delightful. Providing content experience is a strategy that checks all the right boxes when it comes to satisfying modern consumers.

With personalization only expected to get more important for consumers in the future, this can be the right time for marketers and brands to start working on a content experience strategy as it could deliver lasting results.

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