The Rapid Rise of Mobile Commerce in India

By Logicserve News Desk

  • December 3, 2021,
Rise of M-commerce: Mobile Shopping Stats and Trends

As smartphones have become a ubiquitous part of our lives, mobile commerce or m-commerce is expected to drive India’s next leg of the online shopping revolution. According to a report by PayPal, every 7 in 10 consumers in India prefer to purchase using mobile devices.

What are the reasons responsible for the rapid rise of m-commerce in India? Why should businesses focus on mobile commerce? Here are the top 4 reasons-

1. Massive User Base That Will Continue Rising

In January 2021, India had more than 624 million internet users. According to a recent IAMAI-Kantar Cube report, the number will reach 900 million by 2025. Compared to desktop computers and laptops, the majority of the users prefer smartphones for accessing the internet.

Surprisingly, the number of internet users in rural areas could be higher than in urban areas by 2025, according to the report. As internet usage on mobile will rise, so will the number of people using mobile commerce. Building an m-commerce platform now could help a business improve its reach, especially in the untapped rural market. 

2. Faster Buying Journey

While building a responsive e-commerce platform on the web is of utmost importance, websites generally do not match the speed offered by mobile applications. Unlike websites that rely on web servers for data retrieval, applications store the data locally on mobile devices to accelerate retrieval.

As a result, customers can browse products and purchase them faster on mobile phones. If the aim is to streamline the buying journey and offer an improved shopping experience, m-commerce is definitely an option worth considering.

3. Targeting Done Right

A vital aspect of any modern digital marketing strategy is to reach the target customers at the right time with the right message. Mobile commerce applications can significantly contribute in this regard. With the help of programmatic advertising and geo-tracking, brands can reach customers at specific times.

For instance, a personalized promotion can be sent to someone using the mobile shopping app during the lunch break. Customized push notifications can also be sent based on user activity and time of the day. By doing this effectively, brands can considerably increase the likelihood of a customer completing the purchase.

4. Improve User Experience and Generate Higher Revenue

For the customers, it is no longer just about great products or services. They now expect brands to provide them with unique and memorable experiences every time they engage. The improved targeting ability, accelerated buying journey, and next-level personalization offered by m-commerce offers a better opportunity to improve user experience.

Improved user experience can help create a more desirable and open platform where customers can interact with the brand. A PwC study also suggests that 42% of the consumers do not mind paying more for a friendly and welcoming experience, making m-commerce an effective way to boost user experience and generate more revenue.

Mobile Commerce: The Way Ahead

The astonishing rise of mobile commerce in the country and its vast growth potential means that no brand serious about their growth can ignore this upgraded version of e-commerce. If you’ve been solely focusing on your e-commerce website, it is time that you also add m-commerce to the mix, as it can unlock several valuable benefits for your business.

Reputed digital marketing agencies can help brands launch their m-commerce platforms to leverage this opportunity and keep up with the demands and expectations of modern consumers in the increasingly mobile world.

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