The most effective strategy towards building links

By admin

  • September 13, 2013,

The most effective strategy

The real currency in SEO is the number of links that you have to your site. It determines your rank in the search engine result page (SERP) and hence the incoming traffic. It’s a very simple equation, but not an easy one to solve. Hence, link building is an important aspect of SEO. So, how do you do it? Link building campaigns are the answers. However, organizing the campaign properly can be really tough, especially because of the low success rate that comes out of it. So, how do you maximize the link building campaigns?

One size DOESN’T fit all

If you have tried writing a generic email and forwarding it to as many link partners as possible, then you couldn’t have done a worse campaign. There are so many problems with this approach that it might take one email just to explain them! Every link partner is different and hence the email requests which you send for backlinks should not sound too generic.

Send acquaintances

It’s not like ‘Hey, I just met you, this is crazy, here’s my website, link me maybe’. The link partner should at least know you at some level. It is likely that being webmaster you might have met numerous other webmasters at different conferences and seminars. Your success rate will increase if you send acquaintances rather than total strangers.

Use templates with caution

You might have sent many link requests in the past, and would already have your favorite template. However, you should not let this fact be obvious from the email that you send. Every request should have a sense of personalization. A way to do this is to circulate the email among your colleagues and get information on whether it appears personalized or not. To keep things fresh, you should write new template for each type of group. While making the templates, keep enough room for personalization. Just before sending it, spend a few minutes making the email as specific as possible.

Have something meaningful to give

Your link partner would be persuaded only when you have something valuable to offer too. You can’t of course provide a backlink to the link partner because it would have a negative impact on the SERP rankings. The help can be in terms of arranging for links for the partner from different sources, or maybe even connect at a personal level, maybe give an ego boost in some way.

Link building is pretty much like building a relationship with humans. There is always the factor of sincere investment of time and an honest effort in ensuring mutual satisfaction. Your outreach program should highlight these things to your link partner. Do these well, and your success rate in link building campaign would have a very positive impact.


Backlinks play a very important role in today’s date; they are one of the strongest pillars in raising your site on top in search engines. Hence it is very much necessary to acquire backlinks from relevant and authority sites in order to achieve a good link profile. In short, the mantra to be kept in mind while acquiring backlinks is ‘Be a real person and connect with real people to earn links’

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