Targeting the Right Kind of Customers

By admin

  • June 13, 2013,

Targeting the Right Kind of Customers

“You finally have your website up and running. All you need to do now is to wait for the customers to pour in and buy your products.” Hold on. That’s not the way it all works. No doubt, you might have the best looking website up on the web, but that’s not bringing in customers. There is a lot more you need to do. Also, note that not every visitor turns into a potential customer.

You are most likely to come across 4 different types of customers:

  • Those who visit your website just to stay updated with what’s new.

  • Those who just want to have a little bit of fun while they have nothing else to deal with.

  • Those intending to learn more and might later opt for your product

  • Those visiting your website with a sole intention of adding something to the shopping cart.

You would most likely be interested in the third and the fourth category. But, how do you target a specific type of a customer. No doubt, you might probably walk up to an SEO expert to get it all done for you. That’s obviously bringing in the desired amount of traffic. What about the conversions? There is a bit more you need to do. Listed below are a few simple but highly effective tips that will get you the desired number of potential customers.

More than just keyword research

The visibility of your website largely depends on the inclusion of the necessary keywords in your content. No doubt, there are tons of online applications both paid and free that help you select the right keywords for your content. But, there is still something missing.

Keep aside the keyword research for a minute. You need to get into the minds of the users. How do you do that? By researching various blogs and forums for this is where people often discuss their personal experiences, and there is a lot you can pull out of it. Once you have done that, you can then decide on the keywords you would want to incorporate into your content.

Target the devices too

Don’t expect your website to look the same across all types of devices. A website that looks decent on a desktop screen may not have a user-friendly layout when viewed on a tablet or a smartphone. As a result, you need to have a responsible website, one that attains a layout depending on the type of gadget it is being viewed on.

But, why go through all of this? What are you losing? Well, you are losing out on a large bunch of users who often prefer surfing the internet through a portable device. If your website is not responsive, there are chances they might simply bounce off. You obviously don’t want that to happen. So, make sure your website is rightly visible on devices of all sizes.


In case you didn’t know, remarketing means targeting those who have already visited your website in the past. Why remarketing? A few who bounce off might want to return back and purchase your product. You obviously would not want to lose any of these. These visitors are most likely to come across your ads when visiting other website. If not all, some might possibly return to your website through one of these ads through the “Click Here” button and there are your conversions.

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