Survey: Your Gaming activities on mobile device.

By LS Digital

  • September 4, 2019,

How frequently do you play games on your mobile device?


Here’s a look at last week’s results where we asked users about the security of online transaction.


The results are very clear from the above chart.

  • As you can see, some of the respondents (33%) said that online transactions are very secured while, a majority of the respondents (57%) feel that it is somewhat secure and just 10% of them said that online transactions are not secured at all.
  • As few of respondents said that online transactions are not at all secure, marketers can design strategies in a way that they can show up the payment policy as well as security policies on the portals to build credibility in the mind of these set of customers and motivate them to make online transactions.
  • Brands can also promote bank offers on their products and services, which can further attract customers to use online payment mode and gain their trust

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