Social Media Marketing : Increasing Popularity despite Confusions

By admin

  • March 26, 2009,


All the net savvy people who are simply hooked on to the Internet for personal as well as professional reasons will definitely be using the term Social Media Marketing. Social Media means connecting with people, by the people and for the people it works just like democracy. The site may be owned by some company but what is uploaded solely depends upon its logged members, online communities etc. The website could always have a web master who can always work on improvising the site and information available on it.

You Tube, Twitter, Facebook, Digg, Reddit and are some of the most favored social media marketing sites. Though most of the people have begun using these sites to gain a viable presence on the net, they themselves are at a loss as to how to monitor their benefits.

These sites offer a great platform to conduct business through building connections and maintaining them – this could be a cool informal way of conducting business. Maybe that’s the trend of conducting business though as a business owner you have to be twice as alert and careful as you would be dealing with a prospective customer.

To begin with after you open an account with a social network site such as Facebook, Twitter, Digg etc you could post a small content or even a video talking about your business along with your website link and email address. If you have uploaded good content or video, you definitely stand to gain a lot and as people begin to connect with you, you will find increasing business queries. In a way, you could be dealing with customers virtually but still interact with them.

Revolutionizing the world with Web 2.0 and even more with Web 3.0, you will be amazed with marketing avenues opening up. Now you can also have videos and maps uploaded stating and explaining a particular concept of product or service. When you can visually see a product or service live along with audio, it but naturally adds value to its authenticity and capability. If it has caught the eye of the consumer, that consumer is definitely going to get back to you. So, once again social media serves its purpose.

Once again you could try posting your press release on various press release sites along with popular social media sites, you fill find increasing traffic coming to you from these social media sites and even an enhanced search engine presence through them… So again, things definitely work in your favour.

Various studies have revealed that people are increasingly relying on social media for internet marketing as they are spending considerable time on them. Well, you could put well over and above 70% who are spending time ( 50% of the time when using the Internet ) and considerable money on social media sites with a definite aim to gain traffic and expanding business contacts.

Finally before winding up, you will need to spend more and more time on the social media marketing sites but in a productive way. You could be available most of the time through them which help you to connect and stay in touch, not only on one but quite a few of them showing that you are very much in the market. Your words, style and product should speak for itself in a very impressive way and at the same time let others commend and recommend you and your products or services which will truly bear the stamp of customer satisfaction and appreciation. The customer’s reviews and suggestions go a long way in building goodwill and a lasting impression on the third party. So you very need to be aware of your business style and services offered by you. Never for the slightest moment forget the consumer is the king.

Though at a nascent stage, Social Media Marketing is a powerful tool which has yet to develop fully. Yet, the Internet marketing gurus have yet to devise and design full proof measuring techniques and tools to ascertain its performance. Certainly, Social Media Marketing has arrived on the marketing scene and will surely set the stage for future marketing practices.

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