News : Smartphone shipment has topped 1 billion for the first time

By admin

  • January 28, 2014,

A report shared by Verge, says that for the first time over the years majority shipments, worldwide have been that of smartphones.

According to the statistics shared by international data corporation, Samsung holds a larger market chunk by shipping 313.9 million handsets, followed by Apple shipping 153.4 million. The shipment of Asian companies has doubled over the past year. In the year 2011, about 494.4 million were shipped. When we compare this to the current growth rate, it gives an insight into the overall growth and penetration of the mobile industry in the consumer space.

LogicSpeak :

Social networking gaints such as Twitter, Facebook etc. are coming up with tracking tools for gaining better user insights on consumer behaviour across mobiles, the researches on ways to integrate social media marketing, search engine marketing and other tools will help maximise the gains for creating higher engagement rate for brands.

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