Pay per Click Management Services

By admin

  • April 2, 2008,

Pay per Click is a fast growing Online Marketing tool used by several enterprise including small business establishments. Due to rising competition, the cost of keywords has increased resulting in the increase in cost per click (CPC). In such swiftly evolving and challenging market it becomes necessary to efficiently manage your pay per click advertisements. A Pay Per Click management company helps in optimizing these services for a profitable campaign and better returns.

A PPC advertisement management service program includes the following task:

  1. Keyword Selection: Extensive market research and selection of appropriate keywords.
  2. Creative titles and adverts: Properly coined titles and well conceptualized adverts help to maximize click-through and conversion rates.
  3. Setting destination URL: Landing page of any searched keyword is the mirror of your website and product/service. Choosing the appropriate URL increases the prospect of increasing the conversion rate.
  4. Campaign Tracking: Outcome of a PPC advertisement can be measured. This service aids to the process of tracking codes to measure the conversion rate. These in turn help to analyze the ROI.
  5. Bid Management: Bid performance monitoring, bid price changes etc.
  6. Regular Performance Analysis: Analysis of various aspect of the campaign like keyword costs, conversions, text ads etc…and providing a performance report

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