Weekly news round up from Digital Marketing world

By admin

  • February 22, 2014,
LogicNews @LogicserveDigi

LogicNews @LogicserveDigi

Missed out on news from the Digital World through the week? Here is our weekly round up on the must check information.

Stay updated. Stay ahead

LinkedIn has opened its publishing platform for all members.  Initially only influencers had access. What does this mean for engagement and content across the network?  Read here .

Facebook buys Whatsapp. This move leaves the digital marketers unsure of the outcome from this acquisition. Read here .

E-commerce site Myntra will launch its market place for local marketers to sell their products online. The move is an attempt similar to Flpikart and Snapdeal. What does this mean for e-commerce growth in India? Read here .

For more news and information visit us at https://bit.ly/1hARrHC

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