News : Twitter’s card analytics lets you monitor the impression and clicks for your tweets

By admin

  • January 27, 2014,

Twitter’s new card analytics now gives you a thumbs up and more information on your tweets. This comes as a boon, for marketers. This will give brands an opportunity to know what and what not to tweet for higher engagement.

The dashboard now will show :

  • Impressions on your tweets
  • No of clicks on the URLs
  • Ways to measure mentions, re-tweet etc
  • Dedicated stats on tweets
  • App installations

LogicSpeak :

This is one of the most important moves, to give an insight into the content that works for brands. For marketers, this is a boon to understand consumer behaviours at a deeper level. With time, this will make the platform more meaningful, with better quality content.

Link :


Facebook releases its new app insights

The new app insight has a cleaner interface and deeper insight to data. Some key features

  • Single dashboard that gives you information on total traffic
  • Compare key metrics for your app

LogicSpeak :

This initiative, will give us a deeper understanding on where the traffic comes from and how can we utilise this information for better understanding of our brand performance. These will help us consolidate our efforts and put together a much more streamlined approach for marketing your content through social media platforms.

Link :

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