Flipkart has decided to operate through its App platform by 2016, i.e next year following the suit of Myntra, its latest acquired venture. The visitor analysis of Flipkart reveals a 10-fold increase in visitors through smartphones over the past 18 months through its app which makes sense in concentrating on the App and its mobile website.
The increasing preference for mid priced smartphones and the increasing outreach of customers across the country to Flipkart relates to the eagerness of consumers shopping online without an internet connection or a desktop computer.
Converting this phenomenon into business parameters, Flipkart delivers nearly 8 million shipments across India with almost 2/3 of them located in tier II and III cities and towns where there is limited internet connectivity. Flipkart’s registered users is more than 40 milllion and it has 30,000 merchants offers 20 million product on its platform. Lastly but not in the least, nearly 6-7 million smartphones have been bought for sale in India signaling the buyers preference for smartphones.