News : Analytics company in India grows three folds : Study

By admin

  • March 4, 2014,


A recent study published by Analytics India Mag states that the growth of Analytics company in India has been three folds over the past year and half. The report further adds that Bangalore is the hub.

A few notable findings that support the above statement are :

  • Bangalore houses 29% of total analytics firms in India
  • Hyderabad has seen the maximum growth to 11% over the past two years

LogicSpeak :

With bigger social networks eying analytics firms and acquiring them, this data isn’t a surprise of the country. It also highlights the role India plays in the sphere of online marketing.

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Facebook aims to earn big revenues from Indian SMBs as the user base reaches 500M

With approximately 500 M users India can become one of the biggest markets for Facebook. However one cannot expect the user base to be completely translated into a bigger source of revenue. However, Facebook sees immediate revenue opportunities by targeting the almost 50million SMBs who are becoming tech savvy and considerably rely on social media for branding.

LogicSpeak :

Problems like these aren’t new for social networking giants such as Facebook or Twitter, wherein the user base is higher but isn’t necessarily a revenue source. However, this does highlight the potential in India markets for social networking giants.

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