Mind-boggling Facts about User Generated Content

By Logicserve News Desk

  • May 12, 2017,

They say change is the only constant thing. The phrase perfectly applies to the marketing, in the current dynamic and ever increasing competition scenario, the marketers from around the world are always looking to adopt a new marketing strategy that gives them an upper hand over others. A particular strategy that would seem to be working the best for a few months inevitably has to given away to a new one.

In recent times, the UGC or the User Generated Content seems to be the new marketing buzzword. And, while, a few marketers believe that UGC too will soon fade away, a few experts believe that it is here to stay and that it will prove to be efficient in the long run. If you are still not sure of the importance of UGC, below are a few statistics that will surely leave you amazed.

  • The online advertisements based on the UGC have four times higher click-through rates, and there has been a 50% dip in the CPC (cost-per-click) rate.
  • About 50% of the customers want the brands to tell them about the kind of content they want to create and share. However, in reality, only 16% of the brands do this.
  • With UGC, there has been a sharp increase in the brand engagement; about 28% of the customers are exposed to both professional as well as user generated content.
  • The customers aged between 25 and 54 years tend to share about 70% of the UGC they come across online.
  • The videos posted on the YouTube by the users gets 10 times more views than the content put up by the brand.

    Source : Social Media Today
  • Nearly 93% percent of the customer have corroborated that they find UGC to be helpful in making purchase decisions.
  • The online campaigns based on the UGC resulted in 29% higher conversion rate than campaigns without user generated content.
  • With UGC, the online customer reviews have increased by up to 74%.
  • It has been observed that when it comes to influencing customers for millennial purchases, UGC have yield better results than any other type of media.
  • About 64% of the customers making online purchases not only rely on the user reviews for their purchase decisions but also they actively seek the reviews.
  • Nearly 74% of the customers have unanimously voted that the UGC helps them take an informed buying decision.
  • When it comes to discovering new products, 48% of the customers have said that UGC is of great help.

    Source : Social Media Today
  • 70% of the customers trust the online reviews posted by their peers and friends more than the content posted by the professionals on the website.
  • About 44% of the millennials have more faith on the experienced customers than their families and friends recommendations when it comes to buying products online. This is particularly true of 31% of Baby Boomers.
  • 87% of the brands and marketers worldwide rely on the UGC to share authentic content, and about 72% of the brands believed that it helps them gain higher audience engagement.

  • 86% of Millennials have agreed that the UGC is the best yardstick to judge the quality of the brand or the product.
  • It is the consensus among the Millennials that the UGC has better recall value and it is 50% more trusted than any the content on any other form of media.
  • About 51% of the Millennials have confirmed that they trust UGC more than any other copy on the company website, including news articles, blogs, about the company information and the advertising copy.
  • About 84% of the Millennials have said that the user generated content on the company website influences the customers in some way on their purchase.
  • Since December 2015, nearly 86% of the business have included UGC as an integral part of their marketing strategies.


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