Influencer Marketing: Do’s and Don’ts

By LS Digital

  • November 25, 2016,

Influencer marketing, also known as ‘Word of Mouth’ marketing is a marketing concept that has been significantly transforming the way businesses provide value to their customers. It is not possible for a brand to build trust overnight; neither a handful of tweets or webinars will help in positioning you as a thought leader in your niche. This is why more and more marketers are partnering with Internet Influencers these days. Internet influencers, for their proficiency on a certain subject, have a large number of online followers that marketers would like to reach for building their brand.



In the age of social media, Influencer Marketing forms an integral part of the marketing strategy of any business.
Advantages of Influencer Marketing–

  • Helps brands reach a wider audience;
  • Helps marketers get an easy access to their target audiences so that they can transform the latter into their customers;
  • Increases brand awareness;
  • Drives more revenue compared to digital advertising.

When running influencer marketing campaigns you should adhere to the below-mentioned guidelines:


  • Choose the Right Influencer: Choosing world-famous celebrities as your influencer does not always yield the desired results. Thus, before choosing influencers, ensure that you pick the top-tier players who frequently discuss content pertaining to your niche and have an enormous following. This will help you convey your brand messages to a specific set of people who will be interested in learning about the product that you are promoting.


  • Build a Strong Rapport With Influencers: Having a healthy relationship with your influencers helps you make a big impact in your niche. Once an influencer endorses your business, you automatically gain tremendous trust in your market. The best way to build a powerful relationship is to be authentic and real. Furthermore, make sure you provide your influencers with more value than what you expect from them in return.


  • Respect Influencer’s Autonomy: Instead of compelling influencers to adhere to a particular script, they should be given autonomy to work on their own. You should trust their judgement so as to make your campaign more convincing.



  • Do Not Give Up: Find out innovative ways to get the attention of influencers. If your first mail gets ignored, send another. Make your subject line provocative so that it compels the influencer to read your email. That said, you should not spam them with follow-ups. A follow-up email should be sent only if the influencers do not revert within a week.


  • Do Not Forget to Set Guidelines for Influencers: Your influencers utilize social media for reaching out to their followers. Thus, in order to promote your brand and boost your social media exposure, you should set parameters such as word count, time length, and the tone that the influencer’s content should signify.


  • Do Not Make Last Minute Changes: Though digital media is the ideal tool for short turn-around marketing campaigns, if you are hiring online influencers, always avoid making last minute changes as much as possible as influencers do not appreciate unexpected changes.

Influencer marketing is highly imperative as it helps you reach your target audiences in a more effectual and authentic way. However, since establishing strong relationships with influencers is a time-consuming process, a bit of consistency and patience goes a long way in strengthening this game-changing partnership.

If you are planning to create a winning influencer marketing campaign, please feel free to touch base with us. We have a dedicated team of specialists who have been managing Influencer Marketing campaigns of various prominent brands. Our influencer marketing tactics are specially designed to promulgate your brand’s story and expand your global reach.

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