How to Use Guest Posting to Build Backlinks and Improve Your Website’s SEO?

By Logicserve News Desk

  • August 4, 2021,
guest posting to build backlinks

It is said that Google uses more than 200 ranking factors in its search algorithm. Some of these factors are proven, while others are controversial or speculations. When you are just starting with SEO, it is the factors that have been proven that you should focus upon. One of the most vital factors from this category is links.

In the post “How Search Algorithms Work,” Google has mentioned that if other prominent websites link to a page, it is a good sign that the information is well trusted. Guest blogging or guest posting is an effective way to build backlinks and improve your website’s SEO.

What are backlinks? Why are they important? How to find websites for guest posting? Continue reading to find answers to these common questions.

1. What are Backlinks?

Backlinks, also known as incoming links or inbound links, are links from one website to a page of another website.

Search engines consider these backlinks as a “vote of confidence,” which suggests that the information on the page that other websites have linked to is valuable for the search engine users. It is generally seen that web pages with more backlinks have higher organic search rankings.

2. Why are Backlinks Important in SEO?

The primary goal of Google and other prominent search engines is to help its users find relevant and credible information. If multiple websites have linked to a particular webpage, search engines see this as a reliable signal confirming the quality and usefulness of the content available on that page.

While Google regularly updates its search algorithms and has been doing so for several years now, backlinks still continue to be one of the most important ranking factors. In fact, it is also one of the oldest factors that have been around since Google created its original PageRank algorithm.

3. How to Build Backlinks?

One of the easiest and most effective ways to build backlinks is guest posting. It requires you to write a blog or article for another website in return for a backlink to your website.

Links to your web pages/website can be added in various places in the guest post, generally anchored to a related phrase or keyword. Additionally, the backlink can also be placed at the bottom of the page in the author’s bio.

4. Are Backlinks from Every Website Equally Valuable?

This is where things get a little controversial. Some experts believe that the quality of backlinks that a webpage has is more critical than the number of backlinks the page has. Quality backlinks are links to your webpages that you receive from websites with higher domain authority.

Then there are others who lay more emphasis on the number of backlinks rather than the quality. Here, the domain authority of the website where your link is placed is not as critical as long as it links to your website. The ideal solution would be a mix of both. Try to get a combination of websites with higher domain authority and lower domain authority linking to your web pages for the best results.

5. How to Find Websites That Allow Guest Posting?

There are a few different ways to find websites that allow guest posting. Here are some of the most effective ones-

  • Search on Google

For instance, if you have a finance-related website, simply type “finance guest posting websites,” and you are sure to find plenty of great options. Alternatively, you can also enter guest posting-related keywords, like “Write for us,” “Guest Post,” Submit a Post,” etc., to find high-domain websites where you can write a guest post.

  • Search for Relevant Websites

Another way to find such opportunities is by searching for popular blogs in your domain. For instance, you can type something like “top finance blogs” to get a list of the most popular finance blogs. Visit these blogs and check whether they allow guests to post blogs on their platform.

  • Pitch Guest Posts Through Email

Sending a guest post pitch through email is another great way to build backlinks. For instance, if there is a high authority website that does not allow guest posts, you can find the contact details of the website owner or webmaster to pitch your guest post. But note that most high authority websites generally decline such requests unless you are already running a popular website.

Boosting Your Rankings with Guest Posts and Backlinks

If you are just starting with SEO and guest posting, it can take a bit of time for you to understand the intricacies and know what works and what doesn’t. A smarter alternative is to hire a reputed digital marketing company for your link-building and SEO strategies.

From contacting high authority websites to writing informational guest posts, experienced marketers can help you with every aspect of building backlinks to boost your search rankings and accelerate your growth.

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