How to Create Content for Mobile

By LS Digital

  • January 7, 2015,

Mobile-content-creation @LogicserveDigiYou must be aware of the importance of creating websites that are optimized for mobile viewing. If you want to stay at the top of your business, it is extremely important to keep the mobile users in mind. In order to help you create befitting content for mobile, here are the points you can keep in mind.


1.     Make a responsive layout

When you are looking to make your content suitable for mobile users, the very first thing you have to keep in mind is to make your layout responsive. A responsive web layout is so designed that regardless of which device you are using and the screen size, which it has, the content will be clearly visible without any size misappropriation.


2.     Create touch friendly links and icons

When you want to have content that is friendly for mobile viewing, it is important to have touch friendly icons. This makes for easy mobile viewing. When people are surfing on their mobile, they are not likely to appreciate pages and pages of endless narrative content. Try and break the content into smaller clickable segments such that one can smoothly navigate from one page to another.

You should make it a point to have a detailed study of the size of the icons that will suit the screen size of different mobiles. If you have a call to action field on your page, make sure to keep it on focus so that users do not end up missing it altogether.


3.     Research the needs of your mobile users

There is absolutely no short cut to success. You have to be sure that you are going through the complete details of what your mobile users want. If you dig at the statistics, you will get a lot of important facts regarding what users want when surfing through your site. The content which you put on your site should not be there merely for the sake of filling the pages.

You have to research well and find out what your audience connects with and takes a call to action. Once you have a clear idea about the same, you will be able to understand and curate the content accordingly. When you are offering mobile friendly content, you will need a lot of short headlines, catchy subtitles, short paragraphs and a little bit of illustrative content as well. All these together makes for an excellent mobile friendly content. Obviously, you have to keep seo in mind; however, the key idea is to keep your focus upon the ideas which appeal more to your users.


4.     Format judiciously

When you are producing mobile friendly content, you have to be careful about the type of formatting you offer. You should make it a point to align your content in an apt manner. Have numerous paragraphs but make them short. Use the right font and try and avoid too much fancy letters. Do not go for too bright or too dull font colors. Keeping these little things in mind will help you churn the perfect mobile friendly content.


Creating mobile content is not much different from creating content for other channels. One should always remember that, even though the channels play a role the quality of content is of primary importance.


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LS Digital