How Can Purpose-Driven Social Media Campaigns Help Brands Better Connect with Target Audience?

By Logicserve News Desk

  • October 1, 2020,
Social Media Campaign

Modern consumers are driven to grow, connect, and make an impact. The idea of taking a stand and being part of something bigger has now become a global phenomenon.

Brands can take advantage of this growing trend of purpose-driven marketing to better connect with the target audience and turn them into passionate brand ambassadors.

What is Purpose-Driven Marketing?

Put simply, purpose-driven marketing is all about connecting a brand to a larger cause, generally a charity, a global movement, or issues affecting the world. By supporting such brands, consumers feel that they, too, are positively contributing towards a cause or change.

According to a study by Accenture, 63% of the surveyed global consumers agreed to prefer brands that take a stand for a purpose which reflects their own beliefs and values. As social media is currently the most popular method for reaching consumers, popular networking platforms are relied upon by the brands for their purpose-driven marketing strategy.

But should you consider a purpose-driven strategy for your social media marketing campaign? Here are some of the top reasons why you should-

1. Connecting with the Audience is Now a Must

In the past, marketing used to be product-driven. It was all about promoting your products and services. It was followed by a customer-driven marketing trend. Brands used customer data for creating marketing strategies that could help them reach their target market. But the current marketing trend is purpose-driven.

It is no longer adequate just to sell the best products or services. Brands now need to build a personal connection with the target audience to be competitive. Purpose-driven social media marketing campaigns make this possible.

2. Humanizing Your Brand

Brands now need to build trust among the audience so that they will choose them over the competitors. Humanizing your brand is an effective way of building trust. When your marketing efforts are focused on a purpose that the audience can relate to, it automatically makes your brand more transparent and human-like.

It will help you better engage with the audience, encourage them, and inspire them. When all of this takes place on a popular social networking platform, it can bring in a lot of publicity and improve brand awareness.

3. Attract Top Talent, Investments, and Partnerships

Apart from helping you strike a chord with the audience, focusing on the better good of the industry, society, or the world can also help brands in many other ways. For instance, it could attract and retain top talent from across the globe. Employees would like to work for an organization that believes in the values and purposes close to them.

Brands focused on a particular cause can also witness a boost in brand recognition, attracting more investments and partnerships, which can open new opportunities for growth and expansion.

Build Real Connection with Target Audience with Purpose-Driven Social Media Marketing

Purpose-driven marketing is more than a social media trend. If done effectively, it can help brands take a meaningful spot in the minds of the consumers, encouraging them to consider you over your competitors. The positive impact of a carefully built purpose-driven social media marketing strategy can have a long-term impact on brand reputation, turning the audience into loyal brand advocates.

Professional assistance of a reputed digital marketing company can be relied upon to reap the benefits of this marketing strategy that can not only boost your growth but also encourage you to make a difference.

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