Google continues its efforts to make the web more “mobile-friendly”.

By Tejas Thakkar

  • March 21, 2016,

Google makes web mobile friendly @LogicserveDigi

On 16th March’16, Google announced on its official blog that from May’16, it will start rolling out an update to its mobile search results. The update will help in increasing the effect of the ranking signal. This will help users find even many more pages that are not only relevant to the user’s search, but also mobile-friendly.

Last year, on 21st April’15, Google had announced that it would be rolling out mobile-friendly updates to include it as an important component of page ranking. It will roll out gradually, hence there won’t be an immediate drop in the no. of pages that aren’t mobile friendly which would be visible on search results immediately.

Search Engine Land states that since the update is a “page-by-page” signal, it can take time for Google to access each page. Hence, the update will be gradual.  However, it is unclear how much time it would take to be rolled out completely.

Google goes on to mention that if your site it already mobile-friendly, this update will not have a major impact as it did, when it was rolled out for the first time.   I had listed out the parameters last year, you can check it here.

Mobile friendly test Google @LogicserveDigi

Now, how do you know if your site is mobile- friendly? Well, Google has its own tools that will help you to know if your site is mobile friendly or not.  You can check your website’s mobile-friendliness here.

Mobile Friendly Test Tool @LogicserveDigi

You can read more about how to make your site mobile friendly here.

Google Mobile Friendly @LogicserveDigi

LogicSpeak: Mobile search has already superseded desktop queries. While Google had already cleared its stand on importance of ‘mobile friendly’ websites in the Google Algorithm, another roll-out in the month of May would certainly bring more importance to mobile-friendly sites. Apart from improving the mobile amiable factors on your site, pay equal attention on creating quality content. Amalgamation of both would bring you better results.


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