Google Comes Up With Two Brand New Feature Updates

By Logicserve News Desk

  • September 20, 2018,

As the most popular and largest global network, Google has again managed to grab eyeballs and how! The platform has come up with brand new advertisement formats for advertisers as well as retail store owners. By leveraging these innovative ad formats, marketers will have the opportunity to reach out to potential consumers. Termed as ‘Shoppable Image Ads’ and ‘Shopping Showcase Ads’, these two formats are tailor-made for brand advertisers. They can simply leverage ‘Google Image Search’ or ‘Google Search’ and gain access to an extensive customer pool.

Decoding the updates

‘Shopping Showcase Ads’ contains video that’s used to display the advertisers’ video assets. Since this new update is a part of ‘Google’s multi-image shopping’ style, it helps advertisers link videos to images within similar search networks. Google states that advertisers will now have the opportunity to extend video footprints by placing such content prominently on landing pages.

What’s new in ‘shopping showcase ads’?

Whenever users click on the link, they will be directed to the landing page hosted by Google that essentially features the product descriptions as well as promotions. The entire advertisement video will play and that too right at the top, thus displaying the list of offerings from the brand’s product feed. Here are some of the highlights Google has to share about this particular format:

  • Brand-specific: This particular feature can be used for broad category promotion as well as brand publicity.
  • Top-of-funnel marketing: Compared to average and general click-through rates, this particular format proved to be a stronger vehicle for bringing in customers. The traffic rate derived by users is almost 3.6 times higher than the average.
  • Increased conversion credit: With the first click, advertisers can earn 20% more credit than before.

Comprehending Shoppable Image Ads

Whenever a potential consumer looks for images on websites or ‘Google Image Search’, it is the ‘Shoppable Image Ads’ that can capture their attention. This particular ad format features product images with price tags. You will come across a ‘sponsored’ tag on these units as well as a ‘shopping’ icon will appear in the left corner. Customers can also view these updates on 3rd party sites and the format will come up with a range of product listing advertisements. Check out some of the notable updates by Google in this context:

  • Get products upfront: Eager and enthusiastic shoppers always check images before finalising their purchase process. This particular update will help them do that in a better and innovative way.
  • Expecting more mileage: As of now, not many are using this particular update by Google. However, the platform expects the numbers to pick up rapidly and numerous marketers will be leveraging the format quite soon.

Google has been rolling out exclusive features and innovative updates for quite some time now. As two popular promotional channels, both these ad formats will help advertisers make the most of their resources. Shopaholics always look for the right inspirational avenues when it boils down to gaining inexplicable shopping experiences. With Google’s updates, marketers, as well as prospective customers, have some great news to enjoy!

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