Google AdWords Dynamic Search Ads are worth the effort!! They do deliver exceptional results!!

By admin

  • August 23, 2013,

Google AdWords Dynamic Search Ads

Launched in 2011 – 12, the Google’s Dynamic Search Ads (DSA) program has yet to click off amongst advertisers. Nevertheless, reports of its successful implementation are slowly pouring in which could signal its increasing usage in the coming times.

Though the term Google AdWords Dynamic Search Ads is quite self explanatory, for more clarity you could consider these ads to target keywords when searched through the search engine and perfectly matching the website inventory. Here, Google creates an ad using the website content and displays it on the screen attracting the buyer to visit its landing page.  From your end, you will have mentioned the product description and display URL while you using the programme.

Wondering why to opt for the DSA programme? The Google’s DSA programme comes very handy if you are managing a relatively large sized online shopping portal wherein constant keyword updates seem tough to do. By signing up for this programme and inserting the keyword targeted ad into your account, the dynamic ads will automatically be displayed which eases a great deal of burden off your shoulders.

Setting the keywords is equally easy, you just need to add the keywords in the already present ad group and remember to choose the Dynamic Search Ad from the drop down menu. The choice is yours whether you wish to continue using your existing campaign or opt for a new one.

While setting up your dynamic search ads account with Google, remember to define

  • Language
  • Location
  • Device
  • Budget
  • URLs on the website on which the traffic should be diverted to.

( try using the Auto Targets tab or the URL Filter option)

Post which the Google AdWords Dynamic Search Ads campaigns do require adequate attention and modifications as and when seemed fit.  If at all, you are planning to run one for your website, these pointers could prove useful –

  • Do observe, monitor and make slight modifications as per the trends and results on a regular basis.  You could even test new ads, product areas and even proceed to update new keywords, negative keywords and so on.
  • Once again, use of negative keywords help in saving a great deal of campaign money. Make sure you study your campaign reports and trends in great depth and update them accordingly.  Also, remember that in case of matching keywords with respect to a search query, the non DSA ads will be displayed. In order to combat this, you could always add negative exact match keywords within your DSA campaign.
  • Simplifying your task, Google DSA campaigns can be sent against all web pages which could seem tempting to you but is not advisable has this leads to not so impressive CTR and irrelevant traffic as well. Slightly more effort on defining exact URLs could go a long way in not only saving your campaign money but ensuring relevant traffic coming your way.
  • Since the DSA programme is entrenched within the Google AdWords module, you can always monitor its trends with relation to bounce rate, pages/visit, visit durations and many other options and modify your campaign accordingly.
  • Instant success with DSA could be your deepest desire but to achieve that you need to keep trying alternates, testing and monitoring your DSA campaign to get the best out of them.

Find the Google AdWords Dynamic Search Ads interesting to check out then do give it a try. But in case, you are quite busy running the business or managing the portal approaching a professional digital marketing agency could quite serve the purpose.  To begin with you could always check Logicserve Digital as a PPC company which has considerable experience in handling PPC account across various portals.

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