Good Content Marketing strategies – Are you implementing them?

By admin

  • June 28, 2013,

Good Content Marketing strategies

The year 2012 was highlighted with content marketing strategies gaining a lot of importance. And, as we sail through 2013, content marketing is still the key to stay ahead in the race making it absolutely essential you follow the right content marketing practices as you simply cannot afford to falter at this juncture.


Good Content Marketing Practices

Plan and coordinate your content marketing strategy

Before anything goes live, it is essential to plan and coordinate the entire content marketing activity. This implies your website, social media, press releases and even email newsletters should reflect the same or its related information since all these channels reach out to your readers/customers. Be it offerings of new services, products or news updates, each of them should reflect the same set of information/news/updates albeit in a different manner.


Your blog should be associated with your website

Your blog should be associated with your main/corporate site rather than having a separate website for it.  Search engines index each and every new blog post and hence it makes sense for it to be associated with your website which helps in conversions and generating new leads.  Having a blog within a sub domain implies you can give it a new look and feel and optimize it even better while it still stays connecting with your main website. In fact, the readers will easily be able to correlate the blog post with your company


Informative and Insightful Blog

A blog is considered as an informal way of presenting facts, figures and insights apart from reaching out to customers.  Taking cue from this, your blog should contain information rich blogs, key insights and latest trends along with a humane touch.   Having other writers and bloggers contribute to your blog could be yet way of garnering interest amongst your reader base. This not only widens the scope of your business but at the same time enhances your credibility in the market.


Regularly updating the Blog

Statistics have revealed that blogging on regular basis generates more traffic than those blogs who have infrequent updates. In fact, regular blogging means you wish to be in touch with your readers/customers and hence the efforts are appreciated. In fact, regular blog updates help to build a decent reputation in the online marketplace.


Arouse Interest in the right manner

Once you establish a sizeable reader base, you could begin to offer them additional information at no extra cost which could be of great use. For instance, case papers, ebooks, webinars, white papers and other valuable insights form the business point of view could be made available to them on a regular basis which can be shared amongst related colleagues and friends and spread the word around especially to those who are wish for whom your products and service could be useful


Be Creative and Interesting

Be different from the rest which means you could post infographics, slideshows, pictorial representation and even graphs to convey your information or display vital data.  You could even encourage guest bloggers on your site and give a fresh perspective to your blog.  Mind you, those bloggers could belong to who’s who list in your business segment.


Be Interactive

Infuse life into your blog by welcoming comments and questions on your blog. Also, make it a habit to respond to these questions, queries on time and in a right manner or else stand out to lose a few vital customers.  This is not all; you could plan out activities across various social media networks the most popular ones being Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook and Google+. You could even join relevant syndication portals and submit and share business information through them.

As you go through and mark these points for good content marketing practices, make sure you implement them as far as possible.  Taking this point further, companies implementing them are likely to attract more site visitors which could mean decent online reputation and good business too.

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