Going mobile with Ecommerce

By admin

  • May 9, 2014,
Going mobile with ecommerce @LogicserveDigi

If you have been overwhelmed by the business success of online shopping, here is another dose of adrenalin that will make you excited—its mobile ecommerce. In the age of the smartphone and tablets, you will find that mobile online shopping has gone to a very high level. You can now shop for your favourite things from almost anywhere in the world—provided you have an internet connection.

Going mobile with ecommerce @LogicserveDigi

If you do some research on the internet for the scope of mobile ecommerce, you will be startled at the statistics that will throw up on you. Global mobile devices and connections grew to 7 billion from up to 6.5 billion in 2012. The smartphones accounted for 74% of that growth and there were overall 406 million net additions in the year 2013. With such a huge growth, online shopping companies have seen a lot of potential in the business of ecommerce on mobile.

So, what do the companies need to make customers use their mobile phones? Well, the answer is very simple—they need to provide a free mobile application. By using this free mobile application, the online shoppers don’t need the desktop or laptop to make online shopping requests. Security is also something that most online shopping companies need to take care of. In the US, the number of shoppers using their smartphone for online shopping has gone to 79 percent. This means that there is an alarming demand for a robust online shopping app for smartphones.

Creating a mobile application for ecommerce is not as easy as it appears. There are several complications that designers and developers are facing in creating ecommerce applications these days. Just creating a mobile app for product display is very easy, but to create an app that will take requests for payments of the selected goods is not easy at all. Customization or resizing of website pages is something that most online shopping websites have to give additional emphasis on. When you view a web page on a laptop or desktop, you can get to see several things, including images and videos. On the mobile phone or smartphone, there is very limited space and making adjustments can sometimes compromise the quality.

When the aforementioned obstacles of mobile shopping or ecommerce on mobile are overcome, the potential benefits are substantial. In addition to the aforementioned obstacles, marketing for online shopping is also in focus these days. There is a huge revolution happening on the world of shopping and this revolution is happening right at the tips of our fingers. With the latest smartphone, you don’t need to worry about online shopping anymore.


If you are planning to buy a mobile phone, it is always recommended that you buy a smartphone that can connect to the internet. Since, this is the prerequisite for mobile ecommerce. Technology is evolving at a very fast pace and we have to stay abreast with the current trends or we will be blown away to oblivion. Mobile ecommerce will be there for quite some time—so be prepared for this revolution.

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