Go Bid On Branded Terms Right Away If You Want Some More Traffic

By admin

  • January 10, 2013,

Go Bid On Branded

With a huge amount of experimentation and research, no doubt 2012 did turn out to be a pleasant year for online marketers. However, there were a few aspects of online marketing that somehow caused a discomfort for some, one of it being the ‘strategy of bidding on branded keywords’. Many believe that the strategy is just a waste of your marketing budget. On the contrary, you also have a bunch that strongly backs up the strategy. Moreover, having a close look at the data and the research published over the last year, one can easily gauge the effectiveness of bidding on branded keywords. So, here are a few strong reasons why you should start bidding on branded terms if you are not already.

The searcher knows you well

Your brand may not be the most popular one on the planet, but the ones typing in your brand name, surely have a decent amount of familiarity with all that you have in store for them. These would probably be the ones who have heard about you from word of mouth or have already been on your website before. This puts forth an assumption that most of their questions have been answered and they are possibly planning to buy your product, which increases your chances of getting a conversion.

Double up your visibility

No doubt, you may be enjoying the topmost position in the organic search results, but that’s not all that the searchers are looking for. An additional paid ad listed on the same page will have a strong impact on them. According to a survey carried out in the early 2012, the CTR (Click Through Rate) increased by 5.1 % for bands that had a paid as well as an organic listing compared to just organic listing.

Your competitors can help

No doubt, there are a number of restrictions in place that prevent your competitors from using your trademark keywords. But, still its common to find advertisers having a dedicated campaign for the same with an intention of stealing away a major part of your traffic. Of course, this surely isn’t justified. You can warn your competitors for bidding on your branded keywords, but all of that will surely want you to put in a major part of your precious time, which could have been used in coming up with something more productive. So, why not bid on your keywords in a much better way, thereby blocking your competitor from grabbing your piece of cake?

Not organic but paid

Some searchers are too specific about the way they search, and therefore many a times prefer clicking on paid listing over organic ones. So, even if you appear right at the top in organic searches, you obviously miss out on a good number of clicks. You also need to know that the traffic received from paid ads cannot be replicated in organic traffic in case the former is shut down or paused. According to Google, more than 80 % of the traffic is lost if the paid ads are zeroed down and the same is not replaced by organic clicks.

To get the job done rightly, you cannot just blindly choose a PPC agency that claims to be the best. It is important that you put in a good amount of search to locate a PPC management firm that is capable of offering you exactly what you are looking for.

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