Facebook’s Latest News Feed Tweak Curbs the Activities of Individual Spammers

By Logicserve News Desk

  • July 13, 2017,

In the purview of the Facebook’s battle against spam links invading the newsfeed of the users worldwide, the social networking giant is being proactive to curb the issue and is now targeting the individual users to post the maximum number of spam links. Recently, Facebook announced that it has noticed and tracked the activities of a small set of individuals who regularly post numerous spammy pages and links publicly. Facebook has identified these spam links to be mostly about news stories that are fake and clickbait articles, which lure the users to click on the link and read more but when they do that, the users actually don’t get what the headline states or the content is completely irrelevant.

To help the genuine users from being victims of spam links and providing them a hassle-free and seamless user experience, the networking giant is taking drastic measures to curtail the reach of the spammy posts in people’s feeds. However, it is to be noted that Facebook’s rectification step will be applied only to the individual articles that are shared by these spam accounts and it will not affect the domain, pages, photos, videos and check-ins posted by those accounts. In a blog post by Facebook, the networking site said, “Most publishers won’t see any significant changes to their distribution in News Feed.”

With the latest News Feed tweak put in place by Facebook, only the publishers that get a huge influx of traffic from an account that has been marked as spammers will be affected. Also, all the publishers that have articles, which are linked to the spam accounts may see a drastic curtailment in their reach. This restriction comes as a great relief for the daily users who are regularly fed with the click bait articles with the headlines likes ‘you won’t believe what happened next.’ Every click by the user meant that the link would up in the people’s news feed, and it would appear on the feed even if they did not want to see them or click on it. With the tweak, the users are less likely to see such clickbait articles on their feed.


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