Content creation insights for a social media beginner

By admin

  • September 2, 2013,

Best practise for social media to be practised

Social media is a complicated place to work upon. There are so many variations you can try or attempt and it is easy to get lost in them. Another thing which makes it complicated is the fact that there are no fixed rules regarding how to promote your business through social media. Trial and error are effective methods, but they take a long time to work. It is essential to create engaging content and try to gather more social media fans.  But before all that, you need to know what to do and what not to do in social media so that you are on the right track. Here are some of the practices which you should follow in social media.

Post Information

People will follow your pages, if they get to know things they didn’t already know. Your posts should have information which can turn out to be useful to a lot of people. The newer content you post, the better is the chance that people will come to your website and will actually stay there long enough to buy your services. The ads on social media sites while you are at them are a classic example of this. If you would not find anything interesting on them you are likely to stop visiting them.

Make your content beautiful

The idea of having a beautiful side is subjective. It entirely depends on the type of audience that you are aiming for. If the audience is tech oriented, adding smart functionalities to the website could engage your viewers in the right way. As far as possible, the design and the feel should be minimalistic and simple.

Use well developed videos

In the past couple of years, videos have been well received by audiences and hence if quality videos are uploaded they could prove quite engaging. You need to make sure the videos are well developed and impactful as you would like them to be.

Know when to post

It is common sense that your posts are more likely to be seen and read by people when they are casually browsing. So, when do people casually browse? Study and refer to traffic details and analyze when most of your fans/users are online and schedule your posts accordingly. Creating the perfect social media post is all about knowing what people like to read and when. In fact, your aim should be to provide something very engaging and different which could be of help to them and relate to your business as well.

Hence, the fundamental idea of best practices in social media is to know that people search for quality content, not clever phrasing of your business idea among the others.


Content generation, is a process that requires experts who understand aspirations and their consumer’s behaviour.  It is not only important to post the right kind of information, but also to understand what works and doesn’t work for your consumers.

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