Buzz your Emails with Live Trends for Enhancing your Campaigns

By admin

  • November 12, 2013,
Email campaign @LogicserveDigi

Email campaign @LogicserveDigi

Email marketing is one of the oldest and reliable form of marketing. It has delivered exceptional results over a period of time especially if you have a well strategised email marketing plan in place. Email marketing has proved to be cost effective, accurate and very much regulated. In fact, it is extremely dynamic and can be customized as per requirement. We present a few quick to follow tips which bring in the hype and excitement to shop around.

  1. Capitalise on the short term offer – As you send your email stating details of short term offer, add in a digital clock which keeps ticking and displays the time left for the offer to expire urging the buyer to shop and take advantage of the offer before it is gone. Do remember to add in the eligible coupon codes and deals which can be clicked right way for shopping.
  1. Customization – Customizing an email goes a long way in making the reader feel very special. Apart from a personal address to the reader, informing him/her about the products, services, their availability at location nearest to them and how to get there, goes a long way in helping them to decide upon shopping for the same. This means you are offering all the relevant information at the same time for easy and quick referencing. This feature comes most handy when approaching old customers who are already aware of your brand and have enjoyed their experience with you.
  2. Email Access – As you track and monitor your email campaigns, pay attention to the device through which they access. These help you in designing an effective email which is visible across the device without much fuzz. Hassle free and easily viewable email implies more engagement rather than an email which opens after a couple of glitches. These days, you need to pay attention to smart phone devices and tablets which operate more on Android and iOS for better engagement.
  3. Incorporate Current Trends and Trivia – Well, your readers are your consumers whose demand various with the season and its trends. If you can incorporate seasonal trends within your email you very much likely to hit the bull’s eye. For eg, stating forecast of rainy weather conditions and heavy discounts on wind cheaters, while weather forecast of snow fall and shopping deals on winter apparel etc or heaters could be quite engaging and effective too!

Always, stay updated with real-time trends and zero down upon what the consumers really want or would be ready to spend on.


Customised emails with an effective headline means a click and a higher chance of engagement which you definitely would not like to lose upon. After all, through a well planned email marketing strategy, you are approaching potential customers who know you and your brand quite well so you have to deliver to engage. Click here to check out email marketing services.

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