Alphabet Unveils New Cybersecurity Business ‘Chronicle’ to Prevent Cyber Attacks

By Logicserve News Desk

  • February 2, 2018,

Alphabet, better known as the parent-concern of the world’s biggest network Google has come up with some great news for business owners! The company has decided to help entrepreneurs deal with cybersecurity issues and safety threats. Business owners will definitely get better opportunities to identify and resolve such issues. If you are planning to deal with security issues, Alphabet’s offering ‘Chronicle’ will prove to be the perfect support system.

Previously a part of Alphabet’s X Moonshot Group, ‘Chronicle’ happens to be one of the standalone ventures under ‘Alphabet’. Stephen Gillet happens to be the Chief Executive Officer of the new-found company. Let’s take a look at what Chronicle promises to offer:

The focal points

Gillet, who used to work for Symantec before joining as Chronicle’s CEO talks about the new venture. According to him, the business will have two crucial and prime components:

  • A security and cyber intelligence platform for companies across the world. That will help companies to deal with their internal data and ensure security in a smart way.
  • The firm reintroduces VirusTotal, which happens to be an anti-malware tool bought by Google in the year 2012.

Most of the companies suffer because of security negligence. They are completely unaware of the potential threats and also ignore the blind spots. Chronicle aims to eliminate these gaps, identify the pain points, and ensure optimum data security for many ventures across the globe.

From the CEO’s Desk

If the statements circulated by Stephen Gillet are anything to go by, Chronicle promises to be the one-stop solution for data security. He further goes on emphasising the importance of Chronicle in the following way:

  1. Improving speed: The venture will make sure your security teams work comprehensively. As a result, both the speed and performance will increase.
  2. Strengthening the impact: Make sure you strengthen your security’s impact. ‘Chronicle’ will add to your strength thus ensuring optimum data security.
  3. Cost-effective: Chronicle aims at identifying security signals and can also help you work on them. These signals were unidentifiable at the beginning, as the identification process is highly expensive.
  4. Investigating attacks: Security attacks can occur anytime. It’s highly imperative to identify the right sources before implementing the quick fixes. Chronicle makes the investigation process easier than ever. You will find the most crucial resources from the existing data systems and infrastructure.

Chronicle helps you identify the most crucial information from a pool of data. Your existing security tools will speak a lot about your enterprise infrastructure, and that’s where ‘Chronicle’ will help you out.

The mechanism

The entire application works on ML and Alphabet’s infrastructure. You will also get the opportunity to analyse your enterprise’s security data. Cloud integration will follow suit, as that will help ‘Chronicle’ grow and scale up with an enterprise. Or else, it might become difficult to manage and handle critical data sets.

Foreseeing the future

On that note, it’s high time we take a look at the future. Chronicle is here to stay and will ensure optimum data security and safety for enterprises across the world. You just need to understand how it works and integrate it into the existing infrastructure.



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