A Day In The Life Of – A Digital Marketer from Domino’s

By Logicserve News Desk

  • July 6, 2018,

This week, we connected with Aditya Mujumdar from Domino’s to know about his experience of working in the digital marketing sector and get a glimpse of how his normal workday looks like.

Here’s a look at his regular working day and what advice he has for the aspiring digital marketers.

  1. How does your normal working day look like?

My day at work starts with going through the daily MIS report, before jumping on to anything. The morning review sets up the tone for the rest of the day. Then followed by analytics report to see how your digital assets have performed. These two reports give you a clear understanding of the things that you need to focus on, apart from your routine tasks. The second thing is to make a ‘To-do’ list for the day. This helps me keep a tab on important tasks that need immediate attention. After these two things are defined, I check all my emails and make sure each of the emails is addressed and read thoroughly. After that, I deep dive into my daily tasks that include optimisation, meetings, calls and addressing concerns. Along the day, I meet new suppliers or partners to know what new ideas and innovations are surfacing in the market and how we can keep innovating regularly with new ideas. In order to gauge where the market is moving, sales reps are one of the best sources to grow your knowledge about the market. After the break, I start reading about what’s happening in and around the world to avert the post-lunch drowsiness. And before I call it a day, I make sure that I take a report on the tasks and ensure all important tasks are completed and followed up on. I take performance summary of all channels to understand how the day has been, ensuring that there are no anomalies.

  1. What are the most helpful tools according to you that help you get the job done efficiently?

Of course, Google Analytics. It is one of the best tools that you can have at your disposal as a digital marketer. Along with it, Appsflyer & localytics for app analytics; and tableau, or any other business analytics tool that your organisation uses. This helps in staying well informed about the overall business and take better decisions for the strategy that you plan.

  1. How did you get into digital marketing? What do you love about your job?

I always say this, I have been at the right place at the right time, and with marketing, it’s no different. It just happened to me, it was never a planned move. In fact, I thank a very close friend and mentor who gave me the opportunity to get into this field almost 7-8 years ago. The most loved and beautiful part of my job is that you can see the impact on the business and the brand immediately; it gives you the ability to change things dynamically when needed.

  1. Tell us about your hobbies. What do you do to unwind from the busy working life?

Well, I’m a huge foodie; I love to experiment with food quite often. Also, I am an avid sports lover, I play football & squash regularly. If I’m not working, then I’m for sure traveling and make it a point to visit a new country every year.

  1. Any advice for people who want to get into this dynamic digital marketing space?

Focus on the basics, remember this, the basics were once an innovation. If you get your basics right, then you can build, scale, and innovate the way you want. Also, I have been lucky enough to work very closely with CMOs & CEOs of the organisation, and one thing that I have picked up and followed is to ask why. Whether you understand or not, always ask the question no matter if it is critical or not so that you can know all the details and eventually build upon it.


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