4 Media Planning Strategies for a Successful Marketing Campaign

By Logicserve News Desk

  • May 21, 2021,
Media Planning Strategies

Every marketer and business understand that media planning can make or break a marketing campaign. But do you know what makes or breaks media planning?

Media planning strategy allows you to answer questions crucial in making your marketing campaign a runaway success. So, what are these questions? Let’s take a look.

  1. What are Your Goals and Objectives?

Instead of running blind, goals and objectives provide you with a well-defined path to walk on. Objectives are the milestones, and the goal is your destination. If the concerned people and departments are well-versed with what is expected of them, it will become much easier to manage media planning.

Accordingly, you can adjust the time you need to complete the planning and the budget required to bring it to fruition.

Once the assets are decided based on the objectives and goals, it will become easier to establish a timeline.

  1. Who do You Want to Target?

In a country like India, having a diverse population of more than 130 billion, identifying your target audience becomes a critical part of your media planning strategy. It might seem like a monumental task initially, but if you ask the right questions, you will easily understand your target audience.

  • What are their difficulties and problems?
  • What are their desires?
  • Can your product solve their problems?
  • What is their purchasing power?

Conduct surveys and invite potential customers for a fact-finding session to get more accurate answers to the above questions.

No matter how long it takes, if you can narrow down your potential audience, consider half the battle won.

You can use audience segmentation tools provided by different social media platforms like Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to pinpoint your target audience. Tools like Google Analytics and Instagram, and Facebook insights, dive deep into consumer data like age, gender, geographical location, etc.

  1. Which Media Channels Should You Choose?

There was an increase of 47 million (8.2%) in the number of internet users in India between 2020 and 2021. On the other hand, the number of people who listen to the radio in India has increased to 51 million. That makes it extremely important for marketers to understand which media channel will help with the most relevant reach. As discussed above, selecting a media channel will become easy if you can identify the target audience.

Most times, there are multiple channels involved in a marketing campaign. Marketers must maintain strict coordination between them to avoid sending conflicting messages to their audience.  

Suppose your product or service caters to people of all age-group in both urban and rural areas. You can advertise on different social media platforms that cater to different audiences.

  1. How to Choose a Voice and Key Message Points?

The audience knows when they are being manipulated by an ad campaign, which can be disastrous for an organization. If one viral tweet goes wrong, it will take a lot of time and money for damage control. Thus, it is essential to be genuine and authentic when conveying the message of your marketing campaign. While choosing the voice of your message, remember the following points.

  • Choice of words
  • Length
  • Developing buyer persona by understanding their interests and profession
  • Understanding the vernacular of the target audience
If the audience receives your message positively, they will not hesitate to act on the call-to-action conveyed by your message.

Tell the audience what your company and people are all about and what your product or service can achieve for them.

A well-conceived media plan has its roots in a comprehensive media planning strategy that can be achieved by keeping the above points in mind. It is important to monitor the response of the audience to make sure you are on the right track of your objectives and goals.

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