The Outcome
+98 Cr
impressions; 4.5X greater than previous campaign
drastic drop in CPM
rise in the volume of leads
Increase in Assisted performance
impressions; 4.5X greater than previous campaign
drastic drop in CPM
rise in the volume of leads
Increase in Assisted performance
To expand the current user base & leverage the historical campaign learnings, we made a strategic decision to implement DV360’s new capability – Outcome based buying (OBB) OBB supports CPC buying for campaigns that use CPA or maximize conversion strategies. Coupling OBB with higher viewability & to optimize ad spends within specific targeting segments, became effective to drive more visits & leads
Audience Targeting: We paired OBB automated bidding with DV360’s audience targeting. This ensured that we reached out to people interested in knowing more/buying life insurance policy or had some affinity towards investment services. We reached to users on Mobile, Desktop & CTV
Automation: Taking performance into consideration across multiple line items, OBB fluently identified top performing audience segments & allowed automated bidding to shift spends to it. OBB’s machine learning realised the rising potential & spent more on desktop as compared to previous budget allocation