Some Of The Most Common Mistakes With PPC Campaigns

By admin

  • July 11, 2012,

PPC or Pay Per Click campaign is an online marketing technique used to direct traffic to a specific site. The advertiser needs to pay the ad publisher an agreed upon PPC amount every time an ad is clicked. PPC advertising is presently one of the most powerful mechanisms capable of attracting potential customers. However, an incorrect move can affect your entire PPC campaign. Mentioned below are a few mistakes that prevent your company from getting the most desirable returns.

Geographical Targeting

Some business organizations only target location that offer a good ROI (Return On Investment). No matter you are a globally recognized organization or a small business, geographical targeting is one of the most important aspects that you need to consider. Small businesses can obtain maximum returns within a 20 mile radius, while those dealing with high end products and services need to target areas with high income. You can also target a location based on factors such as its spending habits and currency strength.

Selecting Broad Keywords

Business organizations at times target broad keywords. Specificity is of utmost importance in PPC advertising. Broad keywords may gives rise to low match, expensive costs and negative ROI. An example will help you understand things better. Take for instance a company selling baby products. Rather than targeting broad keywords, the company will greatly benefit if it uses keywords that produce higher returns. For instance, ‘Fine baby products online’.

No Ad testing done

Ad testing is one of the most powerful techniques that determine the effectiveness of phrases and keywords used. It can greatly enhance your campaign performance. Try testing three different ads. Once you receive around 300 clicks per ad, the ROI can help you determine winners and losers. Language refinement can further boost your returns. Keep in mind that adjectives play a key role in improving your ads further.

Directing users to your Homepage

This is one of the most common mistakes that businesses tend to make. Whenever a user clicks your homepage, mission or the sitemap, a large part of your budget disintegrates. Instead, direct users to something that they are looking for, for instance, the services you offer or the discounts you have set in place.

Only Using Adwords

No doubt, Google Adwords enjoy a 2:1 advantage in the market share, but this does not mean you should not think beyond Google Adwords. There are some amazing opportunities waiting for you with MSN. You can create an effective MSN campaign within just a couple of minutes. It offers a cheaper CPC and improves the overall performance by around 20 percent.

Just avoid committing the above mentioned mistakes and your Pay Per Click campaigns are sure to offer you the best returns.

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