Infusing intelligence into its search engine: Knowledge Graph by Google

By admin

  • May 28, 2012,

Google has taken a big leap forward with its unveiling of Knowledge Graph, a gen-next kind of search engine, which is bound to expand its market share further. With this, Google has moved beyond keyword-based search, opening new frontiers for the company as well as the users.

Knowledge Graph is embedded in Google’s search engine and is designed such that it understands real-world entities and their relationship to one another; not just strings of alphabets/words (Keywords). So, along with the conventional list of websites generated by the search engine for a particular keyword, Knowledge Graph displays a categorised list on the right-side of the conventional list, giving valuable data and hints to the user regarding the keyword he/she is seeking. The following example will make the point clear regarding the concept. Suppose the user has typed in the keyword ‘Bose’. Conventional Google search yields a list of websites containing the keyword. This list contains a mix of websites containing the keyword, immaterial of whether it’s the website  of state-of-the-art Bose sound systems or websites containing information about Satyendranath ‘Bose’ / Jagadish Chandra ‘Bose’ / Subhash Chandra ‘Bose’.  But, the new interface with Knowledge Graph embedded in it will yield two sets of lists:

  • Left-side of the screen containing the conventional list
  • Right-side of the screen, inviting users to select one of the options out of
    • Bose Sound System or
    • Satyendranath Bose or
    • Jagadish Chandra Bose or
    • Subhash Chandra Bose

Suppose the user selects ‘Bose Sound System’, the left-side list is filtered to yield results specifically for ‘Bose Sound System’ and on the right side, Google will push lots of ready-to-use information about the same and some valuable hints as well.

Important point to note here is that the information compered by Knowledge Graph isn’t sourced from just a handful of websites like Wikipedia, CIA World Fact Book and Freebase; but a huge collection of websites, making the information highly comprehensive. Right now, Knowledge Graph contains over 500 million objects and over 3.5 billion facts about these objects and the relationship between them.

Knowledge Graph is available for US-based English language users right now and will be gradually extended to other regions. The feature is also available on tablets and smart phones. The redesigned search engine interface will prove to be of immense help in academics as well as for social media marketing company who wants to maximise on this added feature. Further, Knowledge Graph is one great way of retaining users in Google environment for long periods, which will enhance value for Google’s advertisers. This in turn, will increase the revenues of Google by leaps and bounds. Again, this is expected to bring in lots of changes in online marketing techniques.

Knowledge Graph helps users to heavily cut down on their search-time so that they can effectively spend more time going through the information they’re looking for.

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