Tips to enhance business prospects through Twitter

By admin

  • October 3, 2013,
Business prospects with Twitter

Business prospects with Twitter

Twitter is the emerging way above other social media networks and most businesses with an online presence have to adapt to it in an engaging manner for enhancing their business prospects. With over 200 million active users on Twitter making the best use of it does become not only crucial but slightly complicated.

The need of the hour is to prioritize tweets which are of relevance to your business and work upon its data in a systematic manner. It becomes imperative to sort out members and tweets which fit into your desired segment and can be worked upon further. After all, social media has to be channelized to deliver bang on for which a few vital tips could come handy –

  1. Regular monitoring of the Twitter account – Your Twitter account must be receiving a large number of tweets every day but try to focus on those who are considering buying your product or service. Proceed to build up a friendly relationship and a rapport with them by acknowledging them. Also, each time you tweet remember to do it graciously. You can even make a list of respondents to your tweets and respond to them accordingly. Checkout how our Indian Couponing brand does it. (URL:-
  2. Welcome new customers with a tweet. This is the right way to begin a new relationship. For every new customer who has opted for your service or product, a tweet acknowledging them could be a great way to interact with new customers instantly as well as in a friendly manner. But for this you would be required to collect their Tweet usernames along with other social media ids they regularly use. This could be done when they provide their personal details or fill up their profiles.
  3. Twitter offers tracking of its user’s geographic location provided the users have enabled it. This information does come handy when you need to ascertain from the location of the users and whether you are in a position to serve them. Also, this implies a scope for business expansion in case you are receiving tweets from new areas too.
  4. Users or customers are known to rely upon Twitter to for sending out service requests or support as and when required. If at all, you can filter out tweets with words – help or support, you would be in a better position to serve your customers and at times, promptly too.
  5. Look out for tweets which use the names of your business rivals – This gives you a fair idea of the expectations of your customers and whether you can meet up to them by strategizing accordingly. If at all, you can counteract the competition maybe it’s time you act smart and make a grab for enhancing your business prospects.


Twitter may be nascent in Indian but is growing big quickly as it’s not as spammy a Facebook! With shifting paradigm it’s essential to be on this platform but ensure that you LISTEN and listen well. Be friendly, chirpy, honest and quick; and you will never love what Twitter will do for you!

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