How Do Paid Searches Protect Your Brand?

By admin

  • February 20, 2013,

How Do Paid

Paid searches can greatly assist you in generating sales from your website. While paid searches help you make some serious moolah, they also help you protect your brand online. How is that? Here are a few highly effective tips that can help you get the most out of your paid search campaigns when it comes to branding.

Bid on branded terms

But, why would you do it, when you can get the same number of clicks from organic searches? Now, that’s definitely a sensible question, but there are obviously a bunch of reasons why you need to do so. Have a look at the heat map, and you would see something that looks like an F which means the top results get the most amount of attention. So, if SEO is all that you rely on, you need to make sure your website is not just on the first page but somewhere at the top as well. And if it is not, you surely have a good reason to panic. With Pay Per Click, this is not the case. Simply bid on your branded keywords and your website is sure to dominate the SERP.

Is Someone Using Your Trademark

This is one of the cruelest techniques competitors tend to use to grab a part of your traffic. You immediately need to stop them from doing so. You can do it by directly contacting the competitor. If this doesn’t seem to be working, you might want to fill up the online Trademark Complaint Form and submit it to Adwords.

Build Up That Trust

First, your website needs to show up right at the top when a user searches for your brand. The next thing you need to do is create an attractive ad copy. There are a certain things which when included in the ad copy can build up a strong brand impression. Make sure your ad copy has one of these.

  • The year of establishment

  • Why is your company rated as no. 1?

  • Associations and memberships

  • Customer testimonials

  • Awards and local reviews

New Industry Keywords

If you are new to internet marketing, there is not much you might know about ‘New Industry Keywords’. These keywords generally refer to the latest processes, products or technologies. By bidding on these keywords, you ensure an authoritative or a relevant position for your business. Make sure your visitors land on a page that talks about a release of a new technology which sets your business apart from the rest. And also make sure your page has an Adwords remarketing or a Google Analytics code.

Well, these are just a hand full of ways that can leverage your paid searches for branding purposes. Though all of these are highly effective, a few may take a while to offer you the best results. So, once again like always, ‘patience is the key’. Just hold on to what you think is best for you and you’ll surely find your brand somewhere at the top.

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