Google’s ‘Hummingbird’ hatches new search formula

By admin

  • September 27, 2013,
Google Hummingbird @LogicserveDigi

Google Hummingbird

Google has retooled the closely guarded formula running its internet search engine to give better answers to the increasingly complex questions posed by web surfers. The overhaul came as part of an update called “Hummingbird” that Google Inc has gradually rolled out in the past month without disclosing the modifications.

‘Hummingbird’ represents the most dramatic alteration to Google’s search engine since it revised the way it indexes websites three years ago as part of a redesign called “Caffeine,” according to Amit Singhal, Senior Vice President, Google Inc. He estimates that, the redesign will affect the analysis of about 90 percent of the search requests that Google gets. Any reshuffling of Google’s search rankings can have sweeping ramifications because they steer so much of the internet’s traffic. Google fields about two out of every three search requests in the US and handles an even larger volume in some parts of Europe. The changes could also drive up the price of Google ads tied to search requests, if websites whose rankings are demoted under the new system feel they have to buy the marketing messages to attract traffic. The search ads and other commercial pitches related to Web content account for most of Google’s revenue, which is expected to approach $60 billion this year.

Besides Hummingbird, Google also announced a few other updates to existing search features aimed at providing information more concisely so people need not navigate to another website. These changes are part of Google’s effort to adapt to the smaller screens of smartphones that are not well suited for hopscotching across the internet.


This recent algorithm update can prove to be a game changer. Meaningful and relevant content is still the KING. It also seems that Google has come up with the Indepth Search Results which is quite good.

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