Digital Marketing Tips for the Start-ups

By LS Digital

  • April 9, 2015,

Digital Marketing Tips for Start-ups @LogicserveDigi

If you are a start-up or in the midst of starting one, congratulations! You already have our admiration for breaking free from the monotony of a ‘job’ and do something of your own. It’s a risk only brave ones can take, we know because we started small, too. So, we understand that you want to be picky about how you spend the money and you wish to do everything that a digital agency can do for you on your own with a little guidance. Anticipating your conflicts and struggles, here are some effective digital marketing tips that work. They are direct, easily doable and absolutely free, because we love start-ups!


  1. Website:

It’s your biggest marketing platform.

  • This is where you need to optimize your pages to let Google know that your shop is ‘Now Open’ to the right keywords. Tutorials for this are available all over the net. However, having someone who can do a monthly consultation on your progress is highly recommended.
  • It’s the place where you can capture your leads. Ensure each of your website pages is well equipped to capture a lead to start a regular communication. This can be achieved either by having them buy a product, sign up for a newsletter or simply sending them an early bird’s discount.
  • Show them where you are available on social media.
  • Market your brand on your website


  1. Content:

On the web, only way you communicate is through content. It can be in the form of text, visual or audio-video

  • List down your brand personality and see how you feel about it
  • If yours is an innovative product and needs explaining, then you NEED an ‘Explorer Video’. This can be a fun, quirky animated video giving customer a walk-through of your product. No need to hire an expensive agency to do this. Simply look up the likes of Elance, Fiverr, etc
  • Ensure your content, in every form, is in sync with the personality you have in mind. If your brand is loud let your creative, choice of words, etc bring that out bravely. Don’t play safe, create a distinct personality, this will help your create space in the minds of people
  • Always write initial content by yourself and let a MA in English/Literature fix the language not the essence


  1. Outreach:

Once your content is ready, let the world know that you have arrived.

  • Start by sharing it within your group- friends, family, ex-colleagues, neighbours, that gang you formed while traveling in a train for years, trekking buddies, owner of the restaurant you frequent etc
  • Look-up where is your audience active and be on that channel to promote your brand
  • Choose relevant social media channels. Invest time and energy in them with maximum two at a time.
  • If you have a competitor, local or international, then learn from them. If not, you are lucky enough to be first one to try, make mistakes and grow
  • Be part of start-up groups and learn from them
  • Ensure that your personal social media profiles are strong and active, so that you become a mouthpiece for your brand


  1. Paid:

When do you invest in paid media?

Honestly, there is no one true answer for this! As each industry and competition is different. Having said that, we won’t leave you without any head start

  • Google ads are the biggest, simplest and safest way to begin with. Set out a tiny budget. Once your website is settled in and SEO is doing it’s magic, invest this tiny budget in Google ads step-by-step trying different things and see what works for you


  1. Measure:

No matter what you do, always measure! Set your expectations before you start, even if smallest, but don’t be too harsh on yourself.


So, when do you need an agency? In the beginning for few months you can have an agency to simply consult you on what to do and what not to do. Consulting fee is like fraction of the agency bulk. Once you get too busy to focus on these marketing activities and want to take them to next level, it’s a good idea to go ahead with the same agency, as now you understand each other well.

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LS Digital