Bidding on Branded Terms: Consider These Parameters

By admin

  • December 9, 2014,

 PPC brand bidding @LogicserveDigi

Often you will find people debating the need to bid on your own brand, especially when you have a strong seo presence. When you are looking to cut down the cost entailed in marketing and PPC campaign, you are often tempted not to bid on your own brand. However, when you choose to do so, you will be able to maximize the total returns you can have. Here are a few parameters that you have to keep in mind.

Improve Your Rate Of Conversion

Mostly, we find that it is the home page which is the top landing page of your site. However, when you are looking to improve your conversion rates, it is by bidding on branded terms that you can make the difference.

When you are launching a PPC campaign, you will have much larger control over the landing pages and you can maximize the conversion rates significantly.


Handle Your Competitors

On various occasions, it has been seen that competitors will resort to bidding on your brand terms. Their main motive behind this is to steal your traffic and benefit from the same. It can also impact the type of organic listing which you have. When you choose to bid on your brand names, you will be able to handle your competitors and ensure that you part of traffic is not stolen.


More User Clicks

Not everyone is internet smart. Many a times, you will find that users who search about a certain keyword, they’re likely to click the first result which is actually the ad rather than the search listing. No one wants to lose out on even a single customer. When you choose to bid on your own brand terms, you will be able to get even more user clicks and this can boost your business tremendously. So, do not miss out on the ads either.


Cheaper For You

When you are looking to invest in PPC campaign, you are going to be mindful of the cost. It pays to know that when you are bidding on your own brand name, it will be a lot cheaper for you. As the total outside bids is less, the total cost of brand terms is much cheaper. With a higher website relevancy, the overall quality score offered by your website will improve by leaps and bounds as well.


Customize The Way People See

When you are investing in PPC, you have a lot of options at hand. You can configure the site links, add your own product listings and even choose what to show to the users. Sometimes, it is the snippets that makes all the difference and will help your customers in reaching to your site.

These are some of the different points which must have convinced you as to why you need to bid on the branded terms. They can bring about the much needed change and push your firm towards clinching success as well. Do not ignore the importance of branded terms because too often they have proved to be fairly useful in promoting the success of business.


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