Affiliates Sites and Online Reputation.

By admin

  • July 27, 2009,

Affiliate marketing does make a difference not only in terms of increased sales of products and services but in a way also influences the online reputation of the product or service either in a positive way or a negative way. Utmost care and due attention should be given to minutest details of affiliate marketing which in no way should tarnish the brand image and reputation of the company.

Affiliates sites enjoy a high rate of traffic not only by regular and prospective customers but even third party as well. Amongst the third party visitors, they could include regular customers, prospective customers, competitors and journalists who wish to retrieve all possible information on the company’s product or service. This makes it essential for affiliate sites to display current information which has to be authentic and accurate on all counts.

A lapse, minor or major would definitely mar the reputation of the company. This counts especially with regards to current offers, products and services apart from logos and trademarks. At no point of time should the affiliate sites mislead the visitor through inappropriate offers, keywords or outdated offers. In case, sites which pose as affiliate sites and indulge in traffic diverting activities should be taken care of appropriately. Similarly, you need to keep a look out for copies or adapted versions of trademarks, domain names and even logos which very smartly work in diverting the relevant traffic away from the genuine site. A monitoring of comments posted on various blogs, forums and other sites can reflect the reputation or any sort of maligning activity which is likely to affect the brand and the image of the company.

You would have to be extremely alert and sharp in checking out any sort of negative image being built around your company sites and its affiliates. At no cost should this activity should be allowed to accelerate as it can dampen the image to a great extent. In order to play safe and on guard, the best way is to already have a viable presence on several social media sites while interacting and building up customer relations in a much professional way so that there is no chance of allowing fraudulent parties gain an upper hand.

On all counts, what matters is the brand and online reputation of the company. Apart from spending on traditional media of advertising, you could be very spending a major chunk of your budget on building your online reputation which is major and a vital task for survival of any and every online business.

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